The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Medium

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the incident when Granpa sees the old farmhouse in the clearing, why is Granpa surprised by the soldier's treatment of the people on the farm when he returns there later?
(a) Granpa expects the soldiers to stop them from plowing but they charge them taxes.
(b) Granpa expects the soldiers to throw them off the land but they tie them up in the barn.
(c) Granpa expects the soldiers to help the people but they actually attack them with guns .
(d) Granpa expects the soldiers to harm them but they actually bring them a mule.

2. What important part does Mr. Wine play in the education of Little Tree?
(a) He teaches Little Tree about Jewish history.
(b) He teaches Little Tree how to tell time, how to solve math problems and how to be thrifty.
(c) He teaches Little Tree how to taste wine.
(d) He teaches Little Tree how to fix clocks.

3. How does Little Tree describe the effect of returning to his secret place in Chapter 20?
(a) Little Tree says his spirit has stopped hurting, and he feels washed clean by the trees, the spring branch and the birds.
(b) He says the memory of his suffering is blown away by the wind.
(c) He says the memory of the orphanage is washed away by the stream.
(d) He says he feels refreshed when he sees the creek.

4. What is the importance of the way Chapter 12 ends?
(a) To demonstrate how grave danger has cemented the bonds among the members of the family.
(b) To demonstrate that time is running out for the family.
(c) To demonstrate that everyone in the family has an important role.
(d) To demonstrate that the Cherokee way of life has serious dangers.

5. At the beginning of the chapter "The Farm in the Clearing", what inhuman scene does Granpa describe to Little Tree?
(a) He sees a man beating a woman and two children.
(b) He sees a man with a stump for a leg being beaten by soldiers.
(c) He sees a man and woman wearing leather harnesses and pulling a plow like mules.
(d) He sees soldiers abusing the children.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Granpa help Little Tree understand the seriousness of spending the money on the calf?

2. The author implies there is a special bond between Willow John and Little Tree, despite the difference in their ages. What is the cause of this bond?

3. What is the meaning of the red flag planted on the land by the regulators?

4. What evidence is given in Chapter 16 that there is prejudice even in the church?

5. How do religious and cultural beliefs cause Little Tree and the sharecropper's daughter to act negatively towards each other?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the description of the incident with Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk demonstrate the author's ability to use humor?

2. Why isn't Granpa interested in talking to Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk about putting him to work on a big whiskey still?

3. What are the author's reasons for introducing the sharecropper and his daughter to the reader?

4. What does Chapter 16 suggest about the place of church going in the lives of Little Tree's family?

5. What are the early symbols in Chapter 20 of Little Tree's excitement that he is home from the orphanage?

6. What examples of prejudice and misunderstanding does Little Tree encounter at the orphanage?

7. How do Granpa and Little Tree continue to make sure that as much as possible is learned from Little's Tree loss in the calf purchase?

8. In what two ways do Granpa and Granma help to create a sense of worth in Little Tree during Chapter 15?

9. How and why does Granpa's approach to people in church who are badly off differ from the approach of others?

10. What purpose does Willow John serve in the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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