The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the incident with the two men from Chattanooga, how does Little Tree demonstrate that he is becoming clever and less trusting?
(a) He takes the dollar and tells them Granpa is at the settlement.
(b) He takes the dollar they offer him to lead them to Granpa but he leads them away from the stills.
(c) He takes the dollar and then tells them he doesn't know Granpa.
(d) He asks for two dollars instead and leads them away from the trail.

2. What is the importance of the way Chapter 12 ends?
(a) To demonstrate that the Cherokee way of life has serious dangers.
(b) To demonstrate how grave danger has cemented the bonds among the members of the family.
(c) To demonstrate that time is running out for the family.
(d) To demonstrate that everyone in the family has an important role.

3. In what two ways does the author introduce humor in the incident with the two men from Chattanooga?
(a) By describing how the men fall into poison ivy and how Granma cooks them fish with roots that cause diarrhea.
(b) By describing how Granpa leads them to the edge of the cliff and taunts them until they beg for forgiveness.
(c) By describing how Little Tree outwits them and sends them running from the hounds.
(d) By describing how Little Tree sets the hounds on them and they are chased into the freezing river.

4. According to Granpa's story about the farm, who was in charge of the land when Granpa was growing up?
(a) Granpa's family had the run of the land.
(b) The land was occupied by Union soldiers and run by politicians.
(c) The Confederates were in charge of the land.
(d) The Cherokees were in charge of the land.

5. How do the events in Chapter 12 demonstrate the importance of Granma's knowledge of plants and herbs?
(a) It soothes Granpa's bear bite.
(b) It stops Little Tree's bleeding.
(c) It helps to stop Little Tree's arm from swellling.
(d) It helps her to save someone's life.

6. At the beginning of the chapter "The Farm in the Clearing", what inhuman scene does Granpa describe to Little Tree?
(a) He sees a man with a stump for a leg being beaten by soldiers.
(b) He sees soldiers abusing the children.
(c) He sees a man and woman wearing leather harnesses and pulling a plow like mules.
(d) He sees a man beating a woman and two children.

7. Why does Little Tree believe that the incident in which he gets into trouble with the teacher eventually leads to Granpa coming for him?
(a) Because he sneaks a letter to Granma complaining about his punishment.
(b) Because he knows that Grandpa will feel his suffering in the weeping of the wind.
(c) Because that night he dreams that Granpa comes for him.
(d) Because he tells them through the Dog Star every night about what happens, and that he wants to go home.

8. According to Mr. Jenkins, who are the two men from Chattanooga and why are they looking for Granpa?
(a) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men in the whiskey trade and want to put Granpa to work on a big still.
(b) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men who want to buy crops from Granpa.
(c) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men who have come to investigate Little Tree's upbringing.
(d) Mr. Slick and Mr. Chunk are big city men who want to buy land from Granpa.

9. How does the author demonstrate that despite being poor, the sharecropper is instilling pride in his daughter?
(a) The sharecropper whips his daughter's legs and tells her to give back the moccasins Little Tree gives to her.
(b) The sharecropper tells Granpa to keep his grandson away from his daughter.
(c) The sharecropper forbids his daughter to speak to Little Tree.
(d) The sharecropper chastises his daughter for talking to Little Tree.

10. What dangerous adventure gives Chapter 12 its title?
(a) Little Tree is bitten by a rattlesnake.
(b) Granpa is bitten by a bear.
(c) Granpa is bitten by a rattlesnake from which he rescues Little Tree.
(d) Little Tree is bitten by a bear.

11. In Chapter 15, how does Granma reassure Little Tree that his birth time is special and he will never be alone?
(a) She explains that his birth time makes Summer his season and his company will always be the trees, birds, rain, and water that love him.
(b) She tells him he was born in the Spring so he will always have nature bursting out to keep his company.
(c) She tells him he was born in the Spring and the bees buzzing around the new flowers will be his company.
(d) She tells him he was born in Summer and the sun will always be his companion.

12. Why does Mr. Wine light a candle at a special time?
(a) It is in memory of his grandson.
(b) He believes that it is a way of sharing thoughts with his scattered relatives who light candles at the same time.
(c) It is time for the Jewish evening prayer.
(d) It is part of the Jewish ritual.

13. At church, how does Granpa demonstrate his belief about the importance of self-sufficiency ?
(a) When a family loses all their furniture in a fire, Granpa brings them a chair and shows the man how to make it himself.
(b) Granpa brings whiskey for the poor so they can learn how to sell it and save extra money.
(c) Granpa gives no one anything; instead he offers to teach them how to plow the land for food.
(d) Instead of giving people money, he offers to teach them how to make whiskey.

14. What change does Little Tree make that demonstrates how much he has learned from the loss of the money spent on the calf?
(a) He resolves to bury his money in his secret place.
(b) He resolves to give his money to Granma to keep.
(c) He resolves to keep his extra money in his fruit jar instead of in his pocket.
(d) He resolves to give Granpa his money to keep.

15. How does Mr. Wine assure Little Tree that he is getting a good education?
(a) He says children of Little Tree's age have never heard of Shakespeare.
(b) He says most children of Little Tree's age do not learn five words per week.
(c) He says most children of Little Tree's age know nothing about Macbeth and Napoleon.
(d) He says most children of Little Tree's age have learned nothing about farming and hunting.

Short Answer Questions

1. The efforts made by the person who actually gets the reverend to release Little Tree from the orphanage symbolize the strength of some relationships. Which relationship is actually involved?

2. In the incident when Granpa sees the old farmhouse in the clearing, why is Granpa surprised by the soldier's treatment of the people on the farm when he returns there later?

3. What evidence is given in Chapter 16 that there is prejudice even in the church?

4. Which two incidents destroy Granpa's hope of being able to keep Little Tree?

5. Which of the following is the best alternate title for Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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