The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Final Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Wilburn, the boy at the orphanage, as much of an outcast as Little Tree is?
(a) He is Jewish.
(b) He is Mexican.
(c) His clubfoot makes him different from the other children.
(d) He is African-American.

2. At church, how does Granpa demonstrate his belief about the importance of self-sufficiency ?
(a) Granpa brings whiskey for the poor so they can learn how to sell it and save extra money.
(b) Granpa gives no one anything; instead he offers to teach them how to plow the land for food.
(c) When a family loses all their furniture in a fire, Granpa brings them a chair and shows the man how to make it himself.
(d) Instead of giving people money, he offers to teach them how to make whiskey.

3. How does the author suggest that even nature is mourning about Little Tree's departure?
(a) Little Tree describes the rain as mournful and sad.
(b) Granma says the frogs and spiders in Little Tree's secret place have hidden away.
(c) Granpa says even the animals are howling with sadness.
(d) Little Tree's description says a low oak limb's finger pulls the tow sack off his shoulder, and a lonesome dove gets no answer to his call.

4. Which of the following is the best explanation for the author's inclusion of Granpa's story about the "Farm in the Clearing" in the novel?
(a) To show that despite the difference between ethnic groups, individuals share admirable human qualities.
(b) To show that whenever authorities get involved in a situation, they make it bad.
(c) To show how important it is to prevent people from capturing land.
(d) To show that Granpa was once a boy living freely on the land.

5. In teaching Little Tree, how does Mr. Wine reinforce Granma's lessons about the spirit-mind and the body-mind?
(a) He says there is modern, technical education to help you make a living and there is the education that makes you honest and caring.
(b) He says some education is for work and some for appreciating life.
(c) He says some education is practical and some is theoretical.
(d) He says some education is technical and some is spiritual.

6. In Chapter 15, how does Granma reassure Little Tree that his birth time is special and he will never be alone?
(a) She tells him he was born in Summer and the sun will always be his companion.
(b) She tells him he was born in the Spring so he will always have nature bursting out to keep his company.
(c) She explains that his birth time makes Summer his season and his company will always be the trees, birds, rain, and water that love him.
(d) She tells him he was born in the Spring and the bees buzzing around the new flowers will be his company.

7. Why does Little Tree believe that the incident in which he gets into trouble with the teacher eventually leads to Granpa coming for him?
(a) Because he tells them through the Dog Star every night about what happens, and that he wants to go home.
(b) Because he sneaks a letter to Granma complaining about his punishment.
(c) Because he knows that Grandpa will feel his suffering in the weeping of the wind.
(d) Because that night he dreams that Granpa comes for him.

8. How does Little Tree create a disturbance in church?
(a) He gives Willow John a nickel and a bullfrog that starts a loud croaking in church.
(b) He gives Willow John a whistle and he tries it out in church.
(c) He comes in late and falls over in the aisle.
(d) He gives Willow John a harmless snake which jumps on a lady who screams out in church.

9. What is the meaning of the red flag planted on the land by the regulators?
(a) It means the occupants have been taken to jail.
(b) It means that the government has evicted squatters from the land.
(c) It means blood has been shed during fighting on the land.
(d) It means the occupants cannot pay the taxes on the land.

10. How does the author establish Granma's resourcefulness in Chapter 12?
(a) She quickly takes charge of the situation and does everything that's necessary to make things right.
(b) She sends Little Tree to the neighboring cabin to get help.
(c) She uses a Cherokee cry to alert other mountain people to the problem.
(d) She hurries Little Tree and Granpa to the cabin where she quickly finds remedies.

11. Which of the following is the best alternate title for Chapter 14?
(a) City Slickers Outwit Mountain Dwellers.
(b) .Little Tree Defends His Mountain.
(c) Granma's Special Brew.
(d) The Men from Chattanooga.

12. Who plays the most significant role in getting Little Tree back from the orphanage, thereby demonstrating the deep bond between them?
(a) Granma.
(b) Granpa.
(c) Pine Billy.
(d) Willow John.

13. How does Little Tree describe the effect of returning to his secret place in Chapter 20?
(a) He says he feels refreshed when he sees the creek.
(b) He says the memory of his suffering is blown away by the wind.
(c) Little Tree says his spirit has stopped hurting, and he feels washed clean by the trees, the spring branch and the birds.
(d) He says the memory of the orphanage is washed away by the stream.

14. What evidence is given in Chapter 16 that there is prejudice even in the church?
(a) The Cherokee have to stand at the back door and listen to the service.
(b) The preacher gives preferential treatment to the rich Episcopalian family who gives a whole dollar for collection.
(c) Cherokee children are not allowed at Sunday School.
(d) The Episcopalians are the only ones who can participate in decisions about the church.

15. Which two incidents destroy Granpa's hope of being able to keep Little Tree?
(a) Pine Billy refuses to testify and Little Tree accidentally reveals he has been making whiskey.
(b) Mr. Wine's death means he cannot testify to Little Tree's education, and Mr. Taylor, the lawyer says he can't help Granpa.
(c) Mr. Taylor refuses to help Granpa, and Willow John dies so he cannot be a witness.
(d) Mr. Jenkins refuses to lend Granpa the money for the lawyer, and Granma says she agrees that Little Tree should go.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Little Tree describe Fall as nature's grace time?

2. How does Mr. Wine assure Little Tree that he is getting a good education?

3. In regard to leaving the orphanage, how does Granpa reveal that he wants Little Tree to continue learning to make his own decisions?

4. How does Little Tree's education and instincts about nature get him into trouble at the orphanage?

5. Why does Willow John leave a long knife in church?

(see the answer keys)

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