The Education of Little Tree Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Granpa teach Little Tree respect for the small creatures in Chapter 8?
(a) To catch the tadpoles and place them in a jar for safety.
(b) To set the spiders back in the ferns when they fall into the water.
(c) To stay away from the spiders and the frogs.
(d) To avoid disturbing the frogs' songs by walking on tiptoes.

2. What would be the most appropriate alternate title for Chapter 4?
(a) Granpa's Way of Hunting.
(b) The Fox outwits the Hounds.
(c) Little Tree Takes A Fox.
(d) Mountain Hunting.

3. Which books are Granma's favorites to read?
(a) Books about the Cherokees.
(b) Bible stories.
(c) Books with poems and songs about children.
(d) Shakespeare's plays.

4. Where does Granma get books to read to Little Tree and Granpa?
(a) Granma reads books that Little Tree brought with him from his parents' home.
(b) Little Tree and Granpa collect them from the library at the settlement.
(c) Granma buys books at the settlement store.
(d) Granma reads books that Little Tree brings them from the school at the settlement.

5. In his reaction to this visitor, what characteristics does Little Tree display that he will have to overcome in order to avoid difficulties with some people outside his family?
(a) Little Tree is gullible and trusting.
(b) Little Tree is tempted to take more food than he should.
(c) Little Tree does not pay close attention when others are speaking.
(d) Little Tree is afraid to trust others.

6. What does the reader learn about Granpa from his reaction to the lady in the black car who is rude to him?
(a) He is afraid of people who insult others.
(b) He is able to maintain his dignity even when treated badly.
(c) He does not understand insults.
(d) He has a very bad temper.

7. What is the name of the part of the mountain trail between the mountains where the trail becomes thinner?
(a) Thinning Trail.
(b) LittleTrail.
(c) Narrow Trail.
(d) The Narrows.

8. What is Little Tree planning to do with the extra coins he is keeping in his pocket from his savings?
(a) Buy candy for the sharecropper's daughter.
(b) Buy a hat for Granpa.
(c) Buy a candy box for Granma's Christmas present.
(d) Buy a dictionary to learn new words.

9. In the early chapters of the book, what kind of education is Little Tree receiving from his grandparents?
(a) An education about becoming a hunter.
(b) An education that is limited to the Cherokee way of life.
(c) An education about responsibility.
(d) A varied and practical education.

10. Granma accidentally reads about a law introduced by George Washington and this gets Granpa very angry. What law is this?
(a) A tax on whiskey.
(b) A law to force Cherokees to live in modern houses.
(c) A law to send all Cherokee children to orphanages for proper education.
(d) A tax on Cherokee lands.

11. What does Little Tree mean when he says that Granpa has a "sense of instinct"?
(a) That Granpa has common sense.
(b) That Granpa is able to smell the animals from far away.
(c) That Granpa has a natural ability to understand what is going on among the animals during the chase.
(d) That Granpa knows the trail very well.

12. Which of the following best describes the main theme of Chapter 2?
(a) A young boy learns to appreciate nature.
(b) How animals survive in the wild.
(c) A young boy learns to survive in the mountains.
(d) Granpa shares his knowledge about hunting.

13. What does Little Tree find interesting that makes him watch the umbrella spider for hours?
(a) How persistent the spider is in building a wide web across ferns, even though it keeps falling into the water.
(b) How the spider outwits and eats several flies.
(c) How the spider climbs out of the water.
(d) How the spider crawls back to the same place repeatedly.

14. What do Little Tree's grandparents reveal about the Cherokee style of passing on information and lessons from one generation to the other?
(a) There is no writing system so valuable information is lost.
(b) They use a special writing system.
(c) They use symbols on caves.
(d) They use the oral tradition in which stories are used to pass on information.

15. At the beginning of the novel, how is Little Tree taken to his new home?
(a) He walks.
(b) He goes by car.
(c) He rides a bus part of the way and then walks.
(d) He goes by bus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the author cause Little Tree to be exposed to the Cherokee views about human nature at such an early age?

2. Whose scent does Granpa expect the hounds to pick up to start the hunt in Chapter 4?

3. In Little Tree's new home, what is the "dogtrot"?

4. Who guides the family when it comes to books, decisions and words?

5. How does Granpa help Little Tree relate the lessons about nature to the behavior of some people?

(see the answer keys)

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