The Education of Little Tree Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the author use contrast to show different lifestyles and characters in Chapter 7?
(a) The author describes the mountain and then changes the setting to the busy square at the settlement.
(b) The author brings the excited policeman dressed in his city clothes into the cabin where everyone is calm and dressed in traditional clothes.
(c) The author describes the routine, laborious work on the land and later shows readers a colorful visitor talking about cars, criminals and money-making schemes.
(d) The author contrasts the plow with the fast black car driven by the visitor.

2. How do the Cherokee who escape from the soldiers into the hollows survive?
(a) They hide on the other side of the mountain and survive by hunting deer.
(b) They live in caves and survive by fishing in the nearby creek.
(c) They live off fishing, wild game and sweet root and stay as silent as they can to avoid detection.
(d) They journey to the neighboring village and set up a camp.

3. In Chapter 2, who has just died when Little Tree's relatives argue about where he should live?
(a) Little Tree's mother.
(b) Red Wing.
(c) Pa.
(d) Willow John.

4. What is Little Tree's responsibility in producing the whiskey?
(a) He helps to bottle the whiskey.
(b) He helps to stir and clean the pot.
(c) He helps to carry the whiskey to the store.
(d) He helps to pour the sugar in the whiskey.

5. What is Little Tree planning to do with the extra coins he is keeping in his pocket from his savings?
(a) Buy a hat for Granpa.
(b) Buy a dictionary to learn new words.
(c) Buy candy for the sharecropper's daughter.
(d) Buy a candy box for Granma's Christmas present.

6. What would be the most appropriate alternate title for Chapter 4?
(a) Mountain Hunting.
(b) Little Tree Takes A Fox.
(c) Granpa's Way of Hunting.
(d) The Fox outwits the Hounds.

7. What does the visitor in Chapter 7 do at dinner that tempts Little Tree to forget one of his lessons about taking things?
(a) He brings only three small corns so Little Tree has to do without.
(b) He tells Little Tree he can have one of the corns, and Little Tree is tempted to take the biggest one.
(c) He takes three slices of Granma's sweet potato pie, and Little Tree silently craves the last slice.
(d) He wears bright yellow high-top shoes that Little Tree secretly craves.

8. According to Granpa's joke, why is Ti-bi robbed by the bear, the coon and the Cherokee?
(a) Because he leaves his surroundings unprotected.
(b) Because he eats too much and falls asleep.
(c) Because he does not watch out for the hawk.
(d) For taking more than he needs from nature.

9. According to Little Tree, why do the white mountain men in the area respect Granpa?
(a) Because he is knowledgeable about the mountains.
(b) For his love of nature.
(c) For the lessons he teaches Little Tree.
(d) For his skills at trailing animals and his sense of instinct.

10. In Little Tree's new home, what is the "dogtrot"?
(a) A place where dogs are fed.
(b) An exercise room.
(c) An open hallway to let hounds through.
(d) A place for dogs to sleep.

11. Which three people does Little Tree learn about from Granpa's stories in Chapter 5?
(a) Uncle Coon, Papa Jack and Pa.
(b) Uncle, Pa and Bonnie Bee.
(c) An uncle who gets in trouble with women, granpa's pa and Coon Jack.
(d) Jack, Papa and Uncle.

12. Why is it important for the author to reveal that Granpa and Granma have friends who visit them?
(a) To make it clear that Little Tree is kept away from adults who are not Cherokee.
(b) To make it clear that everyone is not racially prejudiced.
(c) To make it clear that Little Tree's grandparents are not bringing him up in a way that isolates him from other people.
(d) To make it clear that Little Tree is being protected.

13. According to his grandparents, why is it important for Little Tree to learn about his past?
(a) Because without understanding his past, he will not understand his future.
(b) Because it will help him understand the Cherokee ways.
(c) Because he will have to teach his own children about the past.
(d) So he will know about his relatives.

14. How does Chapter 2 end?
(a) With a poem about love of nature.
(b) With a poem about the sunrise on the mountain.
(c) With a poem about the animals.
(d) With a poem about Mon-o-lah and The Way.

15. What lesson does the author teach the reader in Chapter 6, based on how the Indians responded to the oppression by the soldiers?
(a) The oppressed should surrender in order to save lives.
(b) The oppressed will always turn against each other in order to escape death.
(c) Oppressed people can remain strong and proud.
(d) The oppressed should fight back even if it causes more deaths.

Short Answer Questions

1. Little Tree's bed is made of what material?

2. Why does Little Tree set the coal oil can down when the lady in the black car speaks to them?

3. What is Little Tree especially proud of in Chapter 9?

4. Why does Granpa pay so much attention to praising Little Tree and making him feel important?

5. How old is Little Tree when the novel begins?

(see the answer keys)

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