The Education of Little Tree Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, "Shadows on a Cabin Wall".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does Granpa suggest as the only logical explanation for this law of George Washington's that makes him so angry?
(a) Washington hates Cherokees.
(b) Washington hates children.
(c) Washington got a blow in the head.
(d) Washington is a thief.

2. Who does Granpa ask about the law that made him angry?
(a) The librarian.
(b) The man at the settlement who pulls teeth.
(c) The owner of the supply store at the settlement.
(d) A man who gives them a car ride from the settlement.

3. What is Granpa's reason for taking Little Tree on this walk up the trail?
(a) To teach him how to hunt.
(b) To show him the bees at work.
(c) To show him the way up to the mountains so he can see the sunrise.
(d) To expose him to the animals and teach him "The Way".

4. Which of the following best describes the main theme of Chapter 2?
(a) How animals survive in the wild.
(b) A young boy learns to survive in the mountains.
(c) Granpa shares his knowledge about hunting.
(d) A young boy learns to appreciate nature.

5. In Chapter 2, how does Little Tree demonstrate that he has learned Granpa's lesson about nature's ways?
(a) By releasing the turkeys from the trap.
(b) By selecting the three smallest turkeys from the turkey trap to take home.
(c) By rescuing the quail.
(d) By protecting Ti-bi from the hawk.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which book is always available at Little Tree's cabin and why?

2. How does Granpa help Little Tree relate the lessons about nature to the behavior of some people?

3. What helps to determine whether Granpa and Granma light the coal oil lamp in the evenings during winter?

4. In the mountains in Chapter 2, what does Little Tree see Tal-con doing?

5. What does Granma make for Little Tree to wear for his first walk up the trail with Granpa?

(see the answer key)

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