The Education of Little Tree Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Education of Little Tree Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Asa Earl Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 239 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 16, "Church-Going".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Referring to people who like to take and give handouts, what similarity does Granpa describe between some people and some countries?
(a) He says some countries treat other countries like dogs because they give them handouts.
(b) He says some people who take handouts are like some countries that depend on other countries like dogs.
(c) He says people who take and give handouts are like some countries that like people to be dependent on them so they can treat them like dogs.
(d) He says people who like to give charity are like some countries who help other countries and then run their affairs.

2. How do religious and cultural beliefs cause Little Tree and the sharecropper's daughter to act negatively towards each other?
(a) They dislike each other because they have different beliefs.
(b) Little Tree has been taught to distrust Christians, while the girl has been taught that Indians are lazy heathen savages.
(c) Their beliefs cause them to avoid speaking to each other.
(d) Their beliefs cause them to remain on separate sides of the square at the settlement.

3. In Chapter 16, what does the author suggest about the importance of the church teachings to Granpa and Little Tree?
(a) Granpa doesn't believe any of it but he wants Little Tree to work it out for himself.
(b) They don't fully understand what the church is about and are confused about the Bible stories.
(c) Granpa leaves this part of Little Tree's lessons to Granma.
(d) They are very involved in the church teachings and make certain they discuss the Bible stories for full understanding.

4. How does the preacher make Granpa angry in some of his sermons?
(a) He talks with contempt about the Cherokee.
(b) He talks a lot about Pharisees or separates, while looking and pointing straight at Granpa's family.
(c) He talks with contempt about the Catholics.
(d) He rants and raves about whiskey makers.

5. According to his grandparents, why is it important for Little Tree to learn about his past?
(a) Because it will help him understand the Cherokee ways.
(b) So he will know about his relatives.
(c) Because without understanding his past, he will not understand his future.
(d) Because he will have to teach his own children about the past.

Short Answer Questions

1. What lesson does the author teach the reader in Chapter 6, based on how the Indians responded to the oppression by the soldiers?

2. At church, how does Granpa demonstrate his belief about the importance of self-sufficiency ?

3. How does the author demonstrate that despite being poor, the sharecropper is instilling pride in his daughter?

4. How do the Cherokee who escape from the soldiers into the hollows survive?

5. In Chapter 6, the author reveals that Pa becomes a warrior late in his life. For whom does he fight?

(see the answer key)

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