Echo Burning Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
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Echo Burning Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of the following people, who is not trying to create a self defense case for Carmen?
(a) Hack.
(b) Reacher.
(c) Alice.
(d) Bobby.

2. Reacher does something in Chapter 11 that he had not done in a long time. What is that?
(a) Lies.
(b) Drinks.
(c) Smokes.
(d) Drives.

3. When will Reacher be able to see Carmen after she is first put in jail?
(a) In a month.
(b) When she gets out.
(c) In a week.
(d) The next morning.

4. What happens to Ellie in Chapter 14?
(a) She is murdered.
(b) She is arrested.
(c) She is kidnapped.
(d) She ran away.

5. Who kills Hack?
(a) Reacher.
(b) Rusty.
(c) Alice.
(d) Bobby.

6. What piece of jewelry do Alice and Reacher take to the jeweler to see if it is real or fake?
(a) Bracelet.
(b) Necklace.
(c) Earring.
(d) Ring.

7. Where does Reacher lead the assassins after setting a trap?
(a) To a mesa.
(b) To the courthouse.
(c) To Alice's office.
(d) To Red House Ranch.

8. What does Reacher find out about the file containing Carmen's medical records?
(a) Bobby stole it.
(b) It is missing.
(c) He left it at Hack's office.
(d) It doesn't weigh as much as it says it does.

9. Why does Hack want Carmen to get off on self-defense?
(a) He doesn't want her to get off.
(b) He secretly was in love with her.
(c) He believes she was abused.
(d) He knows prosecuting her will have a negative impact on his chances for becoming judge.

10. What do the troopers tell Reacher that Carmen will need in order to get out on bail?
(a) An alibi.
(b) Money.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) A miracle.

11. Who is not happy with this new information Reacher finds out in Chapter 14?
(a) Hack.
(b) Carmen.
(c) Bobby.
(d) Alice.

12. Where does Alice ask Reacher to accompany her after they leave her office?
(a) To see Carmen.
(b) To cash the check and give the money to the family.
(c) To the courthouse.
(d) To Red House Ranch.

13. What is the only reason that Reacher escapes facing charges for Sloop's murder?
(a) There was no witness saying he was there.
(b) Hack trusts him.
(c) He was in custody at the time.
(d) His finger prints were not on the gun.

14. What does it take for Hack to believe in Reacher's theory that something is fishy with the whole story with Carmen?
(a) Talking to Carmen.
(b) Looking at Sloop's wounds.
(c) Looking at the medical records.
(d) The fact that social services has never heard of Ellie.

15. When reading the information in the reports and files, what does Reacher learn about Carmen in Chapter 15?
(a) She was never married to Sloop.
(b) She lied about everything.
(c) She is an illegal immigrant.
(d) She is telling the truth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Reacher surprised to find in Alice's glove box of her car?

2. What message does Reacher send to Carmen while she is in jail?

3. What happens when Alice goes to see Carmen in jail?

4. In Chapter 16, Ellie tells the assassin that she will tell his boss that __________.

5. According to the troopers, who will be a judge by the time Carmen is assigned a lawyer?

(see the answer keys)

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