Echo Burning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lee Child
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Echo Burning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bobby want Reacher to do on his first full day at the Red House Ranch?
(a) Drive.
(b) Mow the lawn.
(c) Clean the stalls.
(d) Feed the animals.

2. What does Carmen tell Reacher that her husband has done to her?
(a) Beat her.
(b) Lied to her.
(c) Cheated on her.
(d) Left her.

3. Who is waiting for Carmen when she first arrives back at the Red House?
(a) Ellie.
(b) The sheriff.
(c) Jack.
(d) Sloop.

4. Who cooks breakfast for Carmen?
(a) Bobby.
(b) Reacher.
(c) Rusty.
(d) The maid.

5. When Reacher returns to the ranch, what does he tell Bobby about Billy and Josh?
(a) They stopped at the store.
(b) They were arrested.
(c) He killed them.
(d) They quit.

6. What kind of car do the killers rent?
(a) A convertible.
(b) A Crown Victoria.
(c) A cargo van.
(d) A pickup truck.

7. Where is Jack when he meets Carmen?
(a) Church.
(b) Hitchhiking.
(c) Hotel.
(d) Restaurant.

8. Which one of the assassins actually kills the target?
(a) The younger man.
(b) All of them together.
(c) The woman.
(d) The older man.

9. Readers learn Carmen's husband is __________.
(a) With his family.
(b) At home.
(c) Running from the law.
(d) In jail.

10. Why does Reacher attach a condition to Bobby's breakfast?
(a) To make Bobby uncomfortable.
(b) He is hungry.
(c) So he can observe Sloop.
(d) To be near Carmen.

11. What size of a man is Reacher?
(a) Medium.
(b) Extra large.
(c) Large.
(d) Small.

12. What is the real reason Carmen took Reacher to her bedroom?
(a) To give him something.
(b) She wanted to sleep with him.
(c) To show him where she had the pistol.
(d) To fix something.

13. Who is Ellie?
(a) Jack's daughter.
(b) Carmen's daughter.
(c) Carmen's sister.
(d) Jack's girlfriend.

14. What does Bobby not like about Reacher?
(a) His appearance.
(b) His attitude.
(c) His being with Carmen.
(d) Everything.

15. What makes Reacher feel slightly inept?
(a) Bobby's attitude toward him.
(b) Carmen's ability to saddle the horses.
(c) His mistakes.
(d) Ellie's knowledge.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Carmen pick up Jack Reacher?

2. Who goes with the sheriff to get Sloop when he is released from jail?

3. What does Reacher tell Carmen to do if Sloop tries anything?

4. What makes the errand Bobby wants Reacher to run with Billy and Josh seem fishy to Reacher?

5. What do the Ranch hands first notice about Reacher when he arrives on the Ranch?

(see the answer keys)

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