Dragonquest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonquest Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Meron give as the reason that Robinton supports Benden Weyr?
(a) Lessa is his daughter
(b) F'lar is is bastard son
(c) it's the richest one
(d) he's in love with Lessa

2. What do the dragons do at the hatching grounds when the eggs rock?
(a) bellow
(b) hum
(c) stomp the ground
(d) blow fire on them

3. What has always been the dragonmen's goal towards thread?
(a) to eliminate thread
(b) to become rich protecting people
(c) to breed dragons that ate thread
(d) to protect the planet

4. What does F'lar think is one of the major problems between dragon riders?
(a) being secretive
(b) losing touch with each other
(c) fighting excessively
(d) being so competitive

5. Who arrives to view the Red star, much to Lessa's disgust?
(a) T'ron
(b) N'ton
(c) T'kul
(d) Meron

Short Answer Questions

1. What has T'kul announced he would do to any intruders at Southern?

2. What does F'lar ask F'nor to do?

3. What have they decided to do about Brekke's loss of her dragon?

4. Which dragon's eggs will hatch soon after the wedding at Telgar?

5. Of what are Asgenar and Bendarek convinced by F'lar?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Robinton concentrating on after the tragedy with Brekke?

2. What happens when the queen egg hatches?

3. What does T'ron do at the wedding and what is F'lar's response?

4. What does F'lar do when Kylara arrives with a fire lizard on her arm?

5. What does Brekke do when F'nor kisses her?

6. What do Canth and F'nor find at the Red star?

7. What are some of the consequences of Jaxom impressing Ruth and what does Jaxom say in his defense?

8. What does Canth tell F'nor is troubling Lessa?

9. What has F'lar done with the grubs F'nor brought back from Southern?

10. What does F'nor think of the Holders' attitude towards dragon riders?

(see the answer keys)

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