Dracula Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dracula Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes to see Lucy right before she dies?
(a) Holmwood.
(b) Dracula.
(c) Mina.
(d) Van Helsing.

2. What happens to Mr. Hawkins shortly after Harker and Mina return from abroad?
(a) He goes insane.
(b) He decides he doesn't like Harker anymore.
(c) He dies.
(d) He is kidnapped.

3. When the novel opens, where is Jonathan Harker traveling to?
(a) Munich.
(b) Transylvania.
(c) America.
(d) London.

4. Who is Mr. Hawkins?
(a) Dracula's neighbor.
(b) Dracula's boss.
(c) Harker's employer.
(d) Harker's neighbor.

5. How does Harker deal with realizing he is being held captive by Dracula?
(a) He considers how he can kill himself.
(b) He stays calms and begins planning.
(c) He panics and yells all the time.
(d) He refuses to come out of his room.

6. What strange sight does Harker see along the side of the road as he is being taken to first meet Count Dracula?
(a) Weird blue flames flickering along the road.
(b) No sign of life at all.
(c) Lots and lots of bats flying around.
(d) Vultures seeming to follow his coach.

7. What is the state of Count Dracula's home at first glance?
(a) It appears to be run-down and in ruins.
(b) It is amazingly beautiful.
(c) It seems small and unimportant.
(d) It comes in and out of view, like magic.

8. What does Dracula do once Harker finally arrives?
(a) He introduces him to the other dinner guests.
(b) He shows Harker to his room and offers him dinner.
(c) He puts him to work in the study.
(d) He locks him away as soon as possible.

9. What frequent activity do Lucy and Mind engage in during Mina's visit?
(a) Writing letters to their fiancés.
(b) Getting pedicures.
(c) Cooking big meals together.
(d) Taking frequent walks.

10. When Dracula and Harker first stay up all night talking, what causes Dracula to abruptly end the conversation?
(a) He has another meeting to go to and has to leave early.
(b) He gets angry at one of the servants for dropping something.
(c) The sunrise.
(d) He spills coffee all over himself and decides just to go to bed.

11. What major weather event occurs while Mina is visiting Lucy?
(a) An earthquake.
(b) A fire storm.
(c) A terrible storm.
(d) A tornado.

12. During their late night chats when Harker is being held hostage, what country's laws does Count Dracula seem particularly interested in?
(a) Romania's.
(b) America's.
(c) Transylvania's.
(d) England's.

13. What has Mr. Hawkins asked Dracula to deliver to Harker on his behalf?
(a) A silver crucifix.
(b) A picture of a house in London.
(c) A package.
(d) A letter.

14. What does Mina hope will assist Harker once he returns home?
(a) Her desire to start a family right away.
(b) Her cooking skills.
(c) Her newly inherited wealth.
(d) Her typing and shorthand skills.

15. What animal has reportedly escaped from a local zoo?
(a) A flock of large bats.
(b) A poisonous snake.
(c) A black panther.
(d) A large gray wolf.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Dracula carried out of the castle after Harker attempts to kill him the first time?

2. What does Professor Van Helsing decide must be done as a treatment for Lucy?

3. When the novel opens, where is Jonathan Harker traveling from?

4. Why does Mina go to Budapest?

5. What happens to Harker at the end of Chapter 3, when he sees a remarkable scene between Dracula and some of his "guests"?

(see the answer keys)

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