Downright Dencey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Caroline Dale Snedeker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Downright Dencey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Caroline Dale Snedeker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the ten-year-old girl taken in by Lydia and Tom?
(a) Patricia Ramsey.
(b) Peggy Runnel.
(c) Ellen Mortimer.
(d) Sara Weston.

2. What name is given to the boys who torment Dencey on the street?
(a) Freedmen.
(b) Rabble Rousers.
(c) Hellians.
(d) Fragmenters.

3. Who fills Dencey's basket with food before she goes to visit Sammie?
(a) Sara.
(b) Peggy.
(c) Martha.
(d) Anne.

4. What does Tom promise the twelve children in lieu of gifts?
(a) Food from the ship.
(b) A shopping trip in town.
(c) Gifts the next time.
(d) A short trip on the ship.

5. What shocks Tom when he returns home?
(a) Lydia is pregnant.
(b) Dencey has lost her front teeth.
(c) Lydia has taken in Stephen's children.
(d) The Meeting House has been destroyed.

6. For what length of time is Tom home on this visit?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Three months.
(c) Four weeks.
(d) Eight weeks.

7. What do Tom and Dencey do on their expeditions?
(a) Make up silly songs.
(b) Recite Bible verses.
(c) Gather firewood.
(d) Discuss various plants and flowers.

8. What story does Elias tell Dencey that frightens her for the first time?
(a) The horrors of hell for those who disobey God.
(b) When Indians attacked his house when he was a boy.
(c) Being snowed in for weeks during a blizzard as a boy.
(d) When he fell overboard a whaling ship.

9. For what is Injun Jill known?
(a) For making wonderful pies.
(b) For being a scholar.
(c) For being an alcoholic.
(d) For being a good trapper.

10. What is the name of Lydia and Tom's baby boy?
(a) Samuel.
(b) Ariel.
(c) James.
(d) Jonathan.

11. What book does Dencey give to Sammie?
(a) Pilgrim's Progress.
(b) Little Women.
(c) Robinson Crusoe.
(d) The Bible.

12. What is the name of the brig that has arrived in the harbor?
(a) Ramona.
(b) Renegade.
(c) Revelry.
(d) Rachel.

13. How does Dencey plan to beg for Sammie's forgiveness?
(a) She will offer to do his chores for him.
(b) She will make a public apology in church.
(c) She will invite him to her house for dinner.
(d) She will write a letter and give him a gift.

14. At whose home does Sammie live?
(a) Mr. Everman.
(b) Injun Jill's.
(c) Rev. Westmoreland's.
(d) Captain Thwaits.

15. What color is the town's meeting house?
(a) Tan.
(b) Gray.
(c) White.
(d) Brick.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Dencey's mother's name?

2. Why does Dencey get mad at the boys on the street?

3. What does Dencey hate about herself?

4. What do the boys on the street call Dencey?

5. What makes Dencey so happy about spending time with Tom?

(see the answer keys)

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