Doubt Test | Final Test - Easy

John Patrick Shanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Doubt Test | Final Test - Easy

John Patrick Shanley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what position is Father Flynn assigned after leaving St. Nicholas?
(a) Pastor.
(b) Teacher of history.
(c) Bishop.
(d) Sixth grade teacher.

2. What reason does Sister James give Father Flynn for her trouble sleeping?
(a) Bad dreams.
(b) Noisy birds.
(c) No time.
(d) Stress.

3. What does Father O'Rourke say to the woman after she responds to his second request?
(a) He says she is a good woman.
(b) That is a sin.
(c) He says she's banished from the church.
(d) That is gossip.

4. What reason did the woman give for her response to Father O'Rourke's second request?
(a) She didn't have time.
(b) She couldn't walk far enough.
(c) She didn't know where all the feathers had gone.
(d) She had to work.

5. What does Mrs. Muller tell Sister Aloysius she doesn't want?
(a) Donald to be an altar boy.
(b) Money from the church.
(c) Trouble.
(d) To lose her job.

6. What does Sister James tell Sister Aloysius she can't believe in Scene 9?
(a) That Father Flynn is gone.
(b) That Donald Muller is gone.
(c) That Sister Aloysius lied.
(d) That Father Flynn molested Donald.

7. Where did Father O'Rourke tell the woman to take a pillow?
(a) To the roof.
(b) To the person she'd gossiped about.
(c) To church.
(d) To the floor.

8. What did Father O'Rourke call the gossipy woman?
(a) Confused.
(b) A beautiful, but misguided woman.
(c) An ignorant, badly brought up woman.
(d) A sinner.

9. How does Sister James describe Donald Muller at Father Flynn's departure?
(a) Resigned.
(b) Elated.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Devastated.

10. What does Sister James say to Father Flynn as she leaves after their conversation in Scene 7?
(a) She doesn't believe Sister Aloysius' accusations.
(b) She has to get to class.
(c) She is going to go take a nap.
(d) She is leaving the church.

11. What is Sister Aloysius' response to Sister James' revelation about Donald Muller's feelings after Father Flynn leaves the school?
(a) She's happy for him.
(b) She says she'll talk to him.
(c) She feels bad for him.
(d) It's only until June.

12. What does Father Flynn tell Sister James could happen to Sister Aloysius if her accusations became known?
(a) She would lose her position as principal.
(b) She would be terribly angry.
(c) She would be promoted.
(d) She could no longer be a nun.

13. Why does Sister James say she wishes she could be more like Sister Aloysius?
(a) Because she respects Sister Aloysius.
(b) Because Sister Aloysius is successful.
(c) Because she can't sleep at night.
(d) Because the children respect Sister Aloysius.

14. Where does Father Flynn say Sister Aloysius had no right to step?
(a) Into his personal affairs.
(b) Outside the church.
(c) Into Donald's life.
(d) In his office.

15. What does Sister Aloysius say wouldn't have worked if Father Flynn was innocent?
(a) Her call to Mr. Muller.
(b) His reappointment.
(c) Her call to the Monsignor.
(d) Her lie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Father O'Rourke tell the woman to do with the pillow?

2. How many parishes does Sister Aloysius discover Father Flynn has been assigned to in the past five years?

3. What is Mrs. Muller's initial reaction to Sister Aloysius' when she is told Father Flynn may have made advances toward her son?

4. In Scene 7, who does Sister James say needs to be convinced about Father Flynn?

5. Why does Mrs. Muller say Donald was sent to St. Nicholas instead of public school?

(see the answer keys)

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