Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Abbey describes the experience of noontime in the desert like
(a) A psychedelic drug experience
(b) A dark nightmare
(c) A religious experience
(d) An occult fantasy

2. In July, the surrounding mountains are almost
(a) Covered with snow
(b) Invisible
(c) Bare of snow
(d) Completely free of snow

3. Abbey's concerns about preserving wilderness in this chapter are connected with
(a) His lack of patriotism
(b) His attitude toward vegetarianism
(c) His concern about personal liberties
(d) His fear of civilization

4. The Havsupai are by nature
(a) Malicious and suspicious
(b) Cheerful and easygoing
(c) Judgmental
(d) Lazy and dirty

5. The group's reactions after the man is taken away involve
(a) Raucous partying
(b) Relief and humor
(c) An introspective meditation
(d) Sad silence

Short Answer Questions

1. The meaning of Abbey's words, "claritas, integritas, veritas" can be found in this quote:

2. A man is shouting from the shore to Abbey and Newcomb about

3. Abbey wants his readers to know that the desert is

4. In late summer the quietness, or somnolence of the desert leaves Abbey feeling

5. Abbey uses a piece of hollow cane to create a

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Edward Abbey seemingly push the limits of safety by living in isolation and putting himself in dangerous situations?

2. Why was Abbey not interested in living with the Supai Havasu Indians?

3. What does Abbey say, indirectly, about change?

4. What is the difference between Abbey's heat waves and a mirage?

5. Do you think Abbey intended to risk his life by spending the entire day trying to entice Moon-Eye to come to him.

6. The poet to whom Abbey refers in this chapter when he says, "It was all foreseen a half century ago," is Robinson Jeffers, and his poem is entitled "Broken Balance." Why does Abbey not provide the reader with that information, when he has so adamantly laid out his reasoning and feelings for us in the previous paragraphs?

7. Why does Abbey persist in pursuing Moon-Eye when the heat and conditions have become quite uncomfortable for him?

8. Do Abbey and Newcomb enjoy the "rapids" they encounter?

9. What are a few good words that would describe Abbey's impression of the desert at this time of year, and at noon? Is there any other place, time, state of mind or being, to which this same set of words also applies?

10. If Abbey is somewhat indifferent to the death of a fellow human being, why would that be true?

(see the answer keys)

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