Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Abbey's concerns about preserving wilderness in this chapter are connected with
(a) His concern about personal liberties
(b) His fear of civilization
(c) His lack of patriotism
(d) His attitude toward vegetarianism

2. Abbey gets sidetracked to Havasu on his way to
(a) Moab
(b) Denver
(c) New Mexico
(d) Los Angeles

3. The difference between the desert and other geographic areas is its
(a) Its passivity and simplicity
(b) Its beauty in all seasons
(c) Its danger
(d) Its level of tourism

4. Abbey uses a piece of hollow cane to create a
(a) A new walking stick
(b) Siphon for getting water
(c) Pipe for tobacco
(d) A digging tool

5. The only sign of human life Abbey and Waterman see in the maze is
(a) A beer can
(b) A snake petroglyph
(c) Footprints
(d) Old tent poles

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the sign instructing skiers to ski in a clockwise direction irk Edward Abbey?

2. In the middle of the day on the desert, most of the birds

3. On the beach for the evening, the most rewarding thing seems to be

4. Moon-Eye rejected humans when he was subjected to

5. A large influx of tourists to the park is marked by

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do the men make jokes about the dead man?

2. Why does Abbey prefer the desert to other environments?

3. Try to explain Abbey's rambling about naming things.

4. How does Abbey feel about leaving the desert and returning to the city?

5. The trip down the Colorado for Abbey and Newcomb is blissful and idyllic. What, if any, is the dark side of this story?

6. Abbey mentions thinking the unthinkable as he drives through the desert past the Arches headquarters. To what is he referring?

7. What are a few good words that would describe Abbey's impression of the desert at this time of year, and at noon? Is there any other place, time, state of mind or being, to which this same set of words also applies?

8. Abbey gives us two facts in the early part of this chapter that make it clear that this trip was taken in a decade long-past. What is it?

9. Where is the heart of the desert, according to Abbey?

10. Why do you think Abbey wants to own Moon-Eye?

(see the answer keys)

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