Desert Solitaire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desert Solitaire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Viviano is infected by the poison of
(a) Rattlesnakes
(b) Black Widows
(c) Prejudice
(d) Fear

2. The sounds of the mourning doves suggests to Edward
(a) An attempt to restore a lost communion
(b) Their oneness with the other desert creatures
(c) Their sadness over the isolation of the desert
(d) An attempt to communicate with him

3. Mr. Bates complains to Edward about
(a) The long distances he travels
(b) The lonliness of their jobs
(c) The head ranger
(d) Administrative paperwork

4. Abbey had no fear of drowning in the Havasupai Canyon floor's stream because
(a) He intended to drink it all
(b) It was only ankle deep
(c) It was only a mirage
(d) It was salty and made him bouyant

5. Hundreds of years ago, Anasazi hunters left behind
(a) Flint arrowheads
(b) Animal hides
(c) Cave dwellings
(d) Petroglyphs

Short Answer Questions

1. Roy Scobie is a rancher obsessed with

2. Abbey's complaint about a flashlight is that

3. Abbey enjoys the playful antics of the

4. Edward Abbey lies like a snake on the edge of a dune to

5. Abbey is polemic about

Short Essay Questions

1. What advantages did the government's Atomic Energy Commission have in finding uranium? Are they portrayed as a benificent agency?

2. How does Abbey get rid of the rattlesnakes?

3. How were the Park Service rules ambiguous as they were written in 1916?

4. What is Roy Scobie's problem?

5. What is one of the innate demands of industrial tourism?

6. Why does Abbey's watch seem absurd to him?

7. What are the two wild animals that Abbey has never seen in the Southwest?

8. Why does Abbey kill a wild rabbit?

9. What is Viviano Jacquez's problem?

10. Why was Turnbow Cabin built?

(see the answer keys)

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