Desert Solitaire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desert Solitaire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were Husk and Graham hoping for?
(a) A nature experience
(b) A new wife
(c) A natural life for the boy
(d) Riches through uranium

2. Besides money, a reason for developing the parks is
(a) To explore the minerals and ores in the ground
(b) The cities are growing rapidly
(c) To accommodate a burgeoning population
(d) To allow closer inspection of nature

3. The only stream that flows perennially through the park is
(a) Too salty to be potable
(b) Pepper Creek
(c) A babbling creek behind his trailer
(d) A rushing stream of snow melt

4. What is the one clue we have that the lawyer who approached Mrs. Husk was representing the government?
(a) His knowledge of her husband's death
(b) The emblem on his lighter
(c) His authorization to offer large amounts of money to her
(d) His cufflinks

5. Abbey describes the views from his trailer as
(a) Somewhat frightening
(b) Open and perfect
(c) Cold and stark
(d) Cozy and protected

6. We learn that Abbey has a real dislike for
(a) Wind
(b) Snakes
(c) Rabbits
(d) Red ants

7. Abbey speculates that the mourning doves' call may be
(a) A mournful call to some other dimension
(b) A wish to make contact with the wolves
(c) A brooding meditation on space and solitude
(d) A warning that there is a human nearby

8. Why did Abbey's friend from Cleveland think the desert would be a better place if it had water?
(a) Because more people could live there
(b) Because it would be a better tourist attraction
(c) Because it would be greener
(d) Because it would be more beautiful

9. Why did Roy Scobie need to round up his cattle?
(a) To get them to a cooler, higher altitude
(b) They have depeleted their pasture of food
(c) To prepare them for slaughter
(d) To get a grazing permit

10. April mornings in the desert are
(a) Bright, clear and calm
(b) Stormy
(c) Very windy
(d) Cold, windy and dusty

11. Abbey compares cultures of Indians and cowboys in that
(a) Both are reduced to providng a curiosity for tourists
(b) Both originated in the old West
(c) They continue to fight among themselves
(d) Both are thriving in the face of adversity

12. Hundreds of years ago, Anasazi hunters left behind
(a) Petroglyphs
(b) Animal hides
(c) Flint arrowheads
(d) Cave dwellings

13. Abbey is polemic about
(a) Not distroying our national parks
(b) Improving the space station
(c) Birds of prey being destroyed
(d) Killing off the wolves

14. Onion Spring, northeast of Moab, is
(a) Poison with arsenic
(b) Slightly salty but good
(c) Clear and drinkable
(d) Full of gold

15. Delicate Arch has been eroded by
(a) Animals inhabiting the Arch
(b) Machinery working around the Arch
(c) Human feet climbing the Arch
(d) Rain pounding the Arch

Short Answer Questions

1. Lloyd Pierson is

2. The reason for the growth of Indian population in the southwest is due to

3. Edward's part thought in this chapter is that

4. Edward attaches a red bandanna to a ridgepole in honor of

5. Edward's new home is a simple

(see the answer keys)

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