Decline and Fall Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Decline and Fall Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Paul is convicted and sentenced for
(a) White slave trafficking.
(b) Prostitution.
(c) Racketeering.
(d) Embezzlement.

2. Returning to Scone college in disguise, Paul learns that
(a) He was considerd wild and a degenerate.
(b) He was considered sad and lonely.
(c) He was highly respected.
(d) He was considered insane.

3. All of Margot's weekend guests, including Maltravers, are
(a) Uninvited.
(b) Unemployed.
(c) Suffering from poverty.
(d) Nobility.

4. One of young Peter's learned skills is
(a) Entertaining guests.
(b) Dealing with his mother.
(c) Analyzing people.
(d) Mixing cocktails.

5. Unexpectedly, Grimes shows up in disguise, having
(a) Been wanted by Scotland Yard.
(b) Faked his own death.
(c) Escaped from prison.
(d) Been a fugitive for months.

Short Answer Questions

1. Paul's walking partner

2. The death of Prendergast, perhaps, was

3. People carry "deep and diverse impressions" of Professor Silenus'

4. Dr. Fagan's letter sounds as though

5. Paul is ordered by Secretary Maltravers to undergo

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Paul's response to the mysterious diagnosis, the trip to the hospital and his freedom?

2. Why is it not surprising that Paul and Margot run into Philbrick at the upscale restaurant where they are having lunch?

3. Briefly, discuss how Paul escapes the prison at Egdon-Heath.

4. The author gives us a clear glimpse of Pennyfeather's future at the end of this chapter. Discuss this seemingly awkwardly-placed revelation.

5. Margot Beste-Chetwynde had been at King's Thursday only once before she purchased the property many years later. Discuss that visit.

6. Where does Paul fit into Silenus' description of the wheel of life?

7. Describe the trait in Paul Pennyfeather that makes him ask Alistair Digby-Vaine-Trumpington to be his best man.

8. On his way to Egdon-Heath, what does Paul learn ?

9. Discuss Professor Silenus' role in the renovation of King's Thursday. What does he set out to accomplish?

10. How is Paul given the news of Prendergast's death?

(see the answer keys)

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