Debt of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Debt of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the state of the Middle-East when the novel begins?
(a) Israel is being forced to cede land to Egypt.
(b) It is relatively peaceful, many nations have non-aggression pacts.
(c) It is rife with sectarian and racial violence.
(d) The Islamic sects are splitting apart.

2. Which of the following most accurately describe Goto?
(a) He is cautious and timid.
(b) He is weak and unethical.
(c) He is stubborn and aggressive.
(d) He is unliked and pragmatic.

3. What is Jack Ryan's profession when the novel begins?
(a) Security consultant.
(b) Day trader.
(c) Investment banker.
(d) Foreign ambassador.

4. Why does Ryan find the investments of Asian banks unremarkable?
(a) U.S. companies are seeking capital.
(b) There are not many stable investments right now.
(c) The dollar is weak vs. most major currencies at the moment.
(d) The U.S. dollar is strong vs. the Japanese yen.

5. What are Clark and Chavez ordered to do just as Kimberly Norton gets killed?
(a) Get her to safety.
(b) Bring her into their spy ring.
(c) Get information from her.
(d) Give her vital information on Goto.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the FBI trying to locate Kimberly Norton?

2. What is the first step in Yamata's plan for responding to the Trade Reform Act?

3. What danger does the Trade Reform Act pose for Japan?

4. What is the state of Africa when the novel begins?

5. Yamata seeks information on which of the following?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Yamata's plan with regard to his dealings with Russia?

2. How does Yamata's financial tracking program affect the U.S. economic collapse?

3. What is the general state of the world in terms of security when Ryan is made National Security Advisor?

4. What kind of software is Yamata developing in America?

5. Who is Admiral Mike Dubro? What is his opinion on events in the Indian Ocean?

6. How effective is the Japanese strike against the U.S. Navy? What are the results of this engagement for the Navy?

7. What unusual rumor about Japan does FBI Director Bill Murray confirm?

8. How does Yamata act on the information he gains about the Durling administration?

9. Why is Cook cautious about accepting Nagumo's offer, and why does he agree to do so?

10. Describe the first Japanese occupations and landings in the Pacific.

(see the answer keys)

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