Death and the Maiden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death and the Maiden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Paulina find Roberto's keys?
(a) In his jacket.
(b) In his pants pocket.
(c) On the kitchen table.
(d) On the bedside table.

2. What does Paulina drag out of the guest bedroom?
(a) The small bedside table.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A body.
(d) A dead dog.

3. What happens after Gerardo and Paulina go to bed?
(a) The phone rings.
(b) The water pipe in the bath breaks.
(c) They fall asleep with the light on.
(d) Someone drives up, gets out of a car, and knocks on the door.

4. What is the occupation of the person in the answer to question #78?
(a) Secretary.
(b) Housewife.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Lawyer.

5. After Paulina is gone, how does the stage appear?
(a) Lighted with multi-directional lights.
(b) Glowing with the red of the sunset showing through the windows.
(c) Completely dark.
(d) The strobe lights come on again.

6. What would be an adjective that might describe Paulina's actions at this point?
(a) Rational.
(b) Reasonable.
(c) Humane.
(d) Insane.

7. What does Paulina stuff in Roberto's mouth.
(a) A wad of duck tape.
(b) A kitchen towel.
(c) A bandana.
(d) Her panties.

8. What is supposed to happen on Sunday?
(a) Paulina mother is to return.
(b) Church service.
(c) An invitation to drinks.
(d) A golf game.

9. What does Gerardo's wife ask him?
(a) Who drove him home.
(b) If he remembers about the party that night.
(c) What he has in his briefcase.
(d) Why he is coming home today and not tomorrow.

10. What happens as the dawn comes?
(a) Gerardo is cooking bacon.
(b) Roberto awakes.
(c) Roberto's wife calls him on his cell phone.
(d) Police are knocking on the door.

11. About what do Gerardo and Roberto joke?
(a) The reason for the formation of the commission.
(b) A show they both saw on Broadway.
(c) Never understanding women.
(d) Getting a flat tire with no jack available.

12. What seems probable by Paulina's behavior while listening to the two men?
(a) That she is happy that Gerardo invites Roberto to stay over.
(b) That she is bi-polar.
(c) That she is not honorable because she is eavesdropping.
(d) That she knows Roberto.

13. What is Roberto's attitude about Gerardo's upcoming role on the commission?
(a) Angry.
(b) Respectful.
(c) Skeptical.
(d) Increduous.

14. What happens to many students when the military was in control of the country?
(a) They are given full scholarships.
(b) They are shot.
(c) They are asked to serve in the military.
(d) They are kicked out of school.

15. To what does Paulina have an aversion?
(a) The field of medicine.
(b) Cats.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Lawyers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who will preside over the trials?

2. What is hidden in the drawer?

3. What is Gerardo yelling through the bedroom door?

4. What does Roberto say?

5. What is the name of the tape Paulina has in her pocket?

(see the answer keys)

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