Death in the Long Grass Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter H. Capstick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Death in the Long Grass Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter H. Capstick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Silent sick with in this chapter?
(a) Cancer
(b) AIDS
(c) Cholera
(d) Malaria

2. Why does Capstick give Rhinoceros hunting less attention than the other types of hunting in the book?
(a) There is no point in hunting rhinos
(b) Rhinos are boring to hunt
(c) Wild rhinos are rare
(d) They are too frightening

3. What kind of battles do male hippos participate in?
(a) Play fights
(b) Death battles
(c) Dominance battles
(d) Championship bouts

4. What are hippos likely to attack?
(a) Anything in their personal space
(b) Loud noises
(c) Crocodiles
(d) A wounded animal

5. What kind of snake is a black mamba?
(a) Water
(b) Mountain
(c) Ground dwelling
(d) Aboreal

6. What is the name of the local assistant?
(a) Martin
(b) John
(c) Gordon
(d) Frankyn

7. Who does the black mamba lunge at?
(a) Seymour's child
(b) Capstick
(c) Seymour
(d) Seymour's wife

8. What does Charlie use to hack off the tree's thorns?
(a) A saw
(b) An ax
(c) A machete
(d) A hunting knife

9. What word does Capstick use to describe most hippo hunting?
(a) Fun
(b) Execution
(c) Murder
(d) Boring

10. What kind of hippos are most likely to attack humans?
(a) Tired hippos
(b) Bored hippos
(c) Female hippos
(d) Wounded hippos

11. What is the local woman carrying to the riverside?
(a) A bucket
(b) A dead body
(c) A fish trap
(d) A bird cage

12. What was the snake's tail pinned down by?
(a) A car tire
(b) Seymour's foot
(c) A rock
(d) A spear

13. What color are a black mamba's scales?
(a) Green
(b) Yellow
(c) Gray
(d) Black

14. What do they find in the crocodile's stomach?
(a) A human head
(b) A baby monkey
(c) An elephant head
(d) A human arm

15. What does Capstick say costs $30,000?
(a) An elephant gun
(b) A rhinoceros license
(c) A hippo license
(d) A safari jeep

Short Answer Questions

1. What were Dempster and his assistant returning home on?

2. What does Capstick leave the restroom to retrieve?

3. How do python's kill their prey?

4. Which of the following snakes is a mamba snake?

5. What is pursuing the female rhino through the camp?

(see the answer keys)

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