Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead in the Water Test | Final Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Allison doing when Stone visits her on the yacht?
(a) Talking on the phone.
(b) Watching television.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Packing.

2. While on the stand, how does Allison describe her early marriage to Paul?
(a) Bliss.
(b) Constant negotiations.
(c) Perfection.
(d) Lean years.

3. The Constabulary testifies that there were multiple _______________ found on the Expansive.
(a) safes.
(b) weapons.
(c) blood drops.
(d) phones.

4. What does Allison give to Stone for his legal fees?
(a) Her townhouse in New York.
(b) Her home in Bermuda.
(c) $500,000.
(d) The yacht.

5. What does the plane's mechanic reveal when Stone goes to the airport to see him?
(a) He hasn't had his license very long and could have made a mistake.
(b) Anyone could have had access to the plane and tools on the night before the crash.
(c) He lied in his testimony at the coroner's inquest.
(d) He had seen Thomas at the airport hangar the night before the crash.

6. Who refuses to visit with Allison even though she requests to see him?
(a) Sir Leslie.
(b) Stone.
(c) Jim.
(d) Thomas.

7. What is the profession of the person in #148?
(a) Insurance investigator.
(b) Ship's captain.
(c) Accountant.
(d) Cop.

8. Who is Sir Winston's surprise witness?
(a) Frank Stendahl.
(b) Hilary Kramer.
(c) Phil Gerard.
(d) Jim Forrester.

9. What does Allison do when she hears her sentence?
(a) Faints.
(b) Vomits.
(c) Yells obscenities.
(d) Screams.

10. The jury convicts Allison based on ___________________.
(a) personal fear of Sir Winston.
(b) evidence.
(c) personal prejudice.
(d) media coverage.

11. Who is the lawyer who represents Libby and her mother?
(a) Harry Pearson.
(b) Harlan Sloan.
(c) Brock Garrison.
(d) Harley Potter.

12. During cross-examination, Stone establishes that _____________________.
(a) Paul Manning is still alive.
(b) Allison is not Paul Manning's widow.
(c) Paul Manning could have died of a heart attack.
(d) Jim Forrester killed Paul Manning.

13. Why do Stone and Sir Leslie only visit with Allison for an hour at the jail?
(a) The priest wants time alone with her.
(b) They have to make phone calls regarding the appeals.
(c) The judge calls an emergency hearing.
(d) Allison asks them to leave.

14. Stone and Allison discuss whether or not Allison will be responsible for ___________________________.
(a) estate taxes.
(b) the contract with Libby.
(c) expert fees.
(d) legal fees.

15. For how many years was Paul required to make alimony payments to Libby?
(a) 25.
(b) 3.
(c) 10.
(d) 15.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sir Winston say he wants to see Stone?

2. What is the content of the item in #111?

3. Who does Thomas think the man in #139 is?

4. Who does Stone ask to speak to Stendahl for him?

5. Who is the new man who Stone meets at the bar at the Shipwright's Arms?

(see the answer keys)

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