Dead in the Water Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead in the Water Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the tropical island where Stone is vacationing?
(a) St. Marks.
(b) St. Croix.
(c) St. Barts.
(d) St. John.

2. What is delivered to Allison while she is at the bar?
(a) A telegram.
(b) A death certificate.
(c) A bar tab.
(d) Flowers.

3. Thomas gives Stone of list of ____________________.
(a) judges.
(b) hotels.
(c) hookers.
(d) barristers.

4. Stone tells Jim Forrester that Allison will be ________________ if she is found guilty.
(a) imprisoned for life.
(b) hanged.
(c) given an appeal.
(d) given probation.

5. Why does Stone believe the press will be angry with Sir Winston?
(a) He will not allow them in the courtroom.
(b) He has issued a gag order on people involved in the trial.
(c) He had them flown off the island.
(d) He has them followed by detectives.

6. Stone feels that he has successfully ruled out __________________ in the case.
(a) a fake death.
(b) suicide.
(c) theft.
(d) blackmail.

7. Stone tells Libby that Allison will pay her __________________ if she will sign a contract promising not to make any more claims against Paul's estate.
(a) $2,000,000.
(b) $1,000,000.
(c) $300,000.
(d) $500,000.

8. In Chapter 24, Stone goes over testimony with whom?
(a) Allison.
(b) The captain.
(c) Thomas.
(d) Jim Forrester.

9. Who was Paul Manning's first wife?
(a) Gabby.
(b) Addie.
(c) Libby.
(d) Sammy.

10. Why does Stone tell Allison to leave the island?
(a) There is a hurricane coming.
(b) The Minister of Justice can now prosecute her.
(c) The jewel thieves have targeted her.
(d) Her mother is dying.

11. Who is the reporter from 60 Minutes?
(a) Cecily Grammer.
(b) Ellen Zimmer.
(c) Maggie Barth.
(d) Chris Wheaton.

12. Who is representing Allison legally?
(a) Stone.
(b) Seth.
(c) No one.
(d) Brock.

13. The 60 Minutes reporter thinks that Allison is _____________.
(a) a liar.
(b) guilty.
(c) psychotic.
(d) falsely accused.

14. What does the man in #8 tell Stone about the yacht's passenger(s)?
(a) They are members of a high profile wedding.
(b) The woman arrived without her husband who had been on board.
(c) The authorities busted the passengers for drug smuggling.
(d) The owner of the yacht is a famous movie star.

15. Stone's girlfriend decides to stay in New York to ______________________.
(a) meet her work deadline.
(b) look for a new job.
(c) continue her interviews with Vance Calder.
(d) take care of a sick friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Allison stay until a press conference can be arranged?

2. Which of the following is NOT an option the jury has in the woman's case?

3. What does Hilary Kramer believe about Allison?

4. Who is Stone's friend who had been making arrangements for another English barrister for Allison's trial?

5. What does the judge make it impossible for Stone to do?

(see the answer keys)

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