Dead in the Water Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dead in the Water Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Stuart Woods
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 41-47.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stone suggest regarding Stendahl?
(a) He is a CEO on vacation.
(b) He is a reporter.
(c) He is actually Paul Manning.
(d) He is a private detective.

2. Stone has Allison give him two blank pieces of paper with her signature and _________________.
(a) a blank check.
(b) the deed to the yacht.
(c) her credit cards.
(d) the key to the safety deposit box.

3. Who is the investigator who Stone calls to come to the islands and investigate the case?
(a) Bob Shroyer.
(b) Mike Kerrigan.
(c) Jerry Edwards.
(d) Bob Cantor.

4. What does Allison do during Stone's practice questioning?
(a) Vomits.
(b) Leaves the room.
(c) Fakes a tearful breakdown.
(d) Faints.

5. Stone has dinner with Allison to tell her about _____________________.
(a) the next press conference.
(b) Sir Leslie's accident.
(c) his ex-wife.
(d) the contract with Libby.

Short Answer Questions

1. Stone calls Cantor and leaves a message for him to _____________________.

2. What reason does Allison give Stone for not using the satellite phone to call for help when Paul died?

3. Who does Thomas think the man in #139 is?

4. Which of the following will NOT occur if Allison tries to leave St. Marks?

5. Stone calls Bill Eggers to have him hire _________________.

(see the answer key)

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