Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

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Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dawson asks for Elisha's age and then tells him that is is ____________ for him.
(a) Happy
(b) Nervous
(c) Excited
(d) Sorry

2. What does his mother murmur to him when Elisha is standing in the room, asking questions of the people surrounding him?
(a) My son
(b) Poor little boy, poor little boy
(c) You disappoint me
(d) You killer

3. The boy tells Elisha the people are here to witness Elisha become a __________ at dawn tomorrow.
(a) Victim
(b) Murderer
(c) Man
(d) God

4. Elisha says that it is ___________ to kill a complete stranger, which is why he wants to see Dawson.
(a) Easy
(b) His duty
(c) Difficult
(d) Cowardly

5. Who offers to break the news of his impending death to John Dawson?
(a) Gideon
(b) Ilana
(c) Elisha
(d) Gad

6. Gideon thinks he is only alive because he did not admit _____________.
(a) His allegiance
(b) His guilt
(c) His plans
(d) His feelings

7. Ilana is saved from being killed by a member of the opposition by a situation with ____________.
(a) A friendly woman
(b) A broken leg
(c) A cup of tea
(d) A cold in the head

8. What was the profession of the German resistance fighter from #163 that Elisha met?
(a) Lawyer
(b) Sculptor
(c) Writer
(d) Surgeon

9. Elisha's master's eyes are like two globes of _________, two suns that burn his face.
(a) Water
(b) Lava
(c) Fire
(d) Coal

10. Gad owes his life to three ____________ who were supposed to be killed in a specific way as directed by the Old Man.
(a) Rabbis
(b) Spies
(c) Englishmen
(d) Mystics

11. Due to a ventilation system, Dawson's room is actually much less ___________ than the room above.
(a) Airy
(b) Stuffy
(c) Hot
(d) Cold

12. What does John Dawson think of Elisha's name and how it sounds?
(a) He thinks it's musical
(b) He thinks it's appropriate
(c) He thinks it's horrible
(d) He thinks it's familiar to him

13. Ilana understands why Elisha doesn't want to see John Dawson - he is ________.
(a) Excited
(b) Sad
(c) Angry
(d) Afraid

14. At midnight, the dead leave the graveyard to go to the __________, not to pray, but to eat.
(a) Synagogue
(b) Library
(c) Field
(d) Mausoleum

15. Who is no longer yawning when Elisha goes upstairs after the execution?
(a) Joab
(b) Gad
(c) Ilana
(d) Gideon

Short Answer Questions

1. What time is it when Ilana and Joab comment about how it's the longest night they've ever lived through?

2. Who does Elisha see filing into the room, making the room feel very crowded?

3. Who is the women in her mid-twenties that Elisha met while at the work camp in France?

4. Elisha wants to ____________ Dawson, otherwise he's killing a man for no reason at all.

5. Who urges Elisha to go take the food down to John Dawson?

(see the answer keys)

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