Darkness Visible Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Darkness Visible Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Styron believe he needs to get well that can be provided by the hospital?
(a) A controlled environment and more time.
(b) More medicine.
(c) Freedom from other people and their advise.
(d) Psychotherapy.

2. What events led to Abraham Lincoln suffering depression and even attempting suicide?
(a) His wife's infidelity.
(b) The Civil War.
(c) The death of his mother when he was 9 and his sister 10 years later.
(d) Slavery in the South.

3. What reason does Styron give for taking the prescribed medicines without question?
(a) He didn't know anything about the medicine.
(b) He was too depressed to notice.
(c) He was told the medicine was harmless.
(d) His doctor threathened the hospital if he didn't take it.

4. What famous poet does Styron name as an example of excellent works by a depressed person?
(a) Walt Whitman.
(b) Emily Bronte.
(c) Robert Frost.
(d) Emily Dickinson.

5. Who does Styron compare his psychiatrist to?
(a) His friend, Gary.
(b) A quack.
(c) His wife.
(d) The parish priest in "Madame Bovary."

6. What is Styron's first dream in many months?
(a) A flute, a wild goose, and a dancing girl.
(b) A demon, a fire, and his own death.
(c) His wife leaving him.
(d) A flock of Canadian geese.

7. Why does Styron say he was betrayed the summer before he was hospitalized?
(a) His doctor treated him with the wrong drug.
(b) His wife cheated on him.
(c) He could not longer drink any alcohol at all.
(d) His friends deserted him.

8. What does Styron say about people who survive a depressive episode?
(a) They come out with few permanent wounds.
(b) They are weak people who just happened to endure an episode.
(c) They are very strong people but succumb to a weakness.
(d) They are permanently damaged mentally.

9. What does Styron do to try and stop the hopeless feelings?
(a) Get his doctor to give him more medicine.
(b) Clung to familiar items like glasses and pens.
(c) Drink huge amounts of alcohol.
(d) Take long walks in the woods.

10. What does this music make him realize?
(a) That his suicide would hurt his wife too much.
(b) That he didn't want to life any more.
(c) That music could restore his soul.
(d) That he couldn't leave all the pleasant memories that the house around him held.

11. What is Styron's diary a symbol of?
(a) His writing goals.
(b) His path through depression.
(c) His self-esteem and self-worth.
(d) His hopelessness in the face of depression.

12. What sort of people does Styron say is more prone to depression?
(a) People who have lost loved ones.
(b) Artistic people.
(c) People with above average intelligence.
(d) Poor people.

13. According to Styron, what is a frequent theme in his novels?
(a) Death.
(b) Friendships.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Family support.

14. According to Styron, what is the touchstone of depression?
(a) Suicide.
(b) Support.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Loss.

15. According to Styron, what is the greatest fallacy about suicide?
(a) That all depressed people commit suicide.
(b) That people only have to "buck up."
(c) That suicide is a painless way to go.
(d) The idea that there is one particular cause.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Styron say is the most important consideration in depression?

2. What is a daily presence during the depth of Styron's depression?

3. What therapies are used in the hospital?

4. As horrible as this hallucination is, what does Styron say about Bergman, who wrote the script?

5. What did alcohol do for Styron that he considered positive?

(see the answer keys)

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