Dance of the Gods Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dance of the Gods Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What animal had Larkin been in the shape of in the battle as described in chapter one?
(a) A horse.
(b) A dragon.
(c) A bear.
(d) A shark.

2. What does Larkin pull out of the refrigerator in chapter one?
(a) Leftovers.
(b) A Coke.
(c) Ice tea.
(d) Wine.

3. What does Larkin say when Blair asks if he can breath fire when he turns into a dragon?
(a) No, how could they?
(b) Yes.
(c) No, it doesn't work that way.
(d) I have never tried.

4. What does Larkin say about the spot where he and Blair are standing?
(a) It must be bad when foul weather comes.
(b) It would be a lovely place to nap.
(c) It would be a fine place for a battle.
(d) It would make a pretty place to build a home.

5. What problem does the group realize while they are making plans to get to the portal that will take them to Geall?
(a) The portal has been moved.
(b) They don't have enough keys.
(c) They cannot take their weapons.
(d) Cian can't go through because he is a vampire.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cian say that Lilith will do if she catches Larkin?

2. How does Blair know about vampire bites?

3. What does Larkin do to the van the vampires have driven to the house?

4. What does Larkin change into to get him and Blair out of danger?

5. What does Blair say the creatures were that she and Larkin fought outside the cave?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter five what does Blair find when she first wakes up?

2. Describe the relationship that Blair has with her father as she describes it.

3. What does Larkin ask Blair for in the end of Chapter 8?

4. Describe the conversation that Larkin and Blair have in chapter six while they are in the training room?

5. Describe the scene in chapter two when Hoyt wakes up Cian.

6. Describe what happens when Blair sees Cian in the hallway.

7. What does Larkin do before leaving the cave?

8. What happens when Cian takes Moira her tea?

9. Describe the conversation when Blair tells the others about her trance.

10. What happens when Blair goes to her room?

(see the answer keys)

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