Dance of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dance of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Blair give Larkin as a gift?
(a) A lock of her hair.
(b) A harness.
(c) A sword.
(d) A ring.

2. What has happened to the family that is in distress?
(a) They are not sure, but think it was lightning.
(b) Their horses were stolen.
(c) The man has had a heart attack.
(d) Their wagon axel broke.

3. How do Moira and Larkin get back to the woods?
(a) They walk.
(b) Larkin changes to a horse.
(c) They take a wagon.
(d) Larkin changes to a dragon.

4. What does Moira say when her uncle questions trusting Cian?
(a) There is no reason not to trust him.
(b) He only drinks pig blood.
(c) It is the god's will.
(d) He has no choice in the matter.

5. What does Cian say when Moira warns him not to speak of her mother when she confronts him?
(a) Someone has to.
(b) Then stop using her.
(c) I didn't kill her.
(d) You didn't kill her.

6. How does Blair plan to capture one of the vampires?
(a) Follow them until sunrise.
(b) She doesn't have a plan.
(c) Use herself as bait.
(d) Hide and wait for them to come back.

7. What does Lora have as a present for Blair?
(a) Larkin.
(b) Her aunt.
(c) Jeremy.
(d) Her father.

8. What does Moira tell the crowd she is going to do?
(a) Leave for Ireland.
(b) Fight beside them.
(c) Listen to their desires.
(d) Whatever it takes to keep her kingdom safe.

9. What does Blair do after Larkin asks her if her solution is to threaten, push, and shove?
(a) She throws him out of her room.
(b) She walks out of the room.
(c) She hits him in the face.
(d) She begins crying.

10. What does Glenna give Blair?
(a) The deed to her house.
(b) A letter to her parents if she dies.
(c) Money.
(d) A letter for Hoyt if she dies.

11. What makes Blair run upstairs?
(a) The sound of music.
(b) Someone calling her name.
(c) The smell of something burning.
(d) Someone screaming.

12. What two weapons does Blair tell the men are most effective against vampires?
(a) Fire and steel.
(b) Magic and faith.
(c) Steel and wood.
(d) Wood and fire.

13. Where do the vampires come from in the end?
(a) Caves.
(b) Seemingly out of thin air.
(c) Out of camaflaged hiding spaces.
(d) The ground.

14. What does Riddock say concerns him about letting Blair, Hoyt, Glenna, and Cian take charge of the military?
(a) They have a prophecy about the vampires.
(b) They were sent by the goddess.
(c) They are not Geallian.
(d) They have strict chain of command set up.

15. What does Blair say about the liquid that Glenna makes her drink?
(a) Tastes like liquid tree bark.
(b) She wants more.
(c) It's rough whiskey.
(d) It is wonderful.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who kills the second vampire?

2. What does Blair tell the young boy that she meets when he says he wants to kill demons?

3. What does Blair realize when she sees Lora?

4. What does Blair ask Lora before they begin battle?

5. What does Blair realize when she gets to the second set of traps?

(see the answer keys)

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