Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the main goal of the Bureau of Indian Affairs when it was started?
(a) To make sure the Indian became extinct.
(b) To dirve the Indians to Oklahoma.
(c) To prevent the extinction of the Indian.
(d) To drive the Indians to reservations.

2. What did Billy Mills do?
(a) He won the ten thousand meter run at the Olympics.
(b) He was a pole vaulter at the Olympics.
(c) He became the first Indian astronaut.
(d) He became the first Indian Senator.

3. What, according to the author, is the problem with the white man's economic system?
(a) It is based on the stock market.
(b) It is not real.
(c) It is separate from European and Japanese markets.
(d) It is not based on the world economy.

4. What basic principle of man's history, according to the author, did colonists violate?
(a) Never steal land from others, they will always get it back.
(b) Certain lands belong to certain peoples.
(c) Damns are harmful in the long run.
(d) Never make war with people you do not understand.

5. Who does the area office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Aberdeen, South Dakota serve?
(a) The tribes of Minnesota and the Great Lakes.
(b) The tribes of Canada.
(c) The tribes of Kansas.
(d) The tribes of the Dakotas and Nebraska.

6. What, according to the author, will happen to America in the end?
(a) It will be returned to the American Indian.
(b) The National Parks will be given away.
(c) The land will be owned by non-Americans.
(d) It will be overrun by other countries.

7. In 1964, what percentage of Indians thought the United States should get out of Vietnam?
(a) 85 percent.
(b) 10 percent.
(c) 15 percent.
(d) 80 percent.

8. How does the Native American Church view death?
(a) As a natural occurrence and not a special punishment.
(b) As a symbol of peace.
(c) As a punishment.
(d) As a warning from God.

9. How many area offices does the Bureau of Indian Affairs have throughout the country?
(a) 20.
(b) 5.
(c) 51.
(d) 10.

10. Who did Clyde Warrior support in the 1964 Presidential Campaign?
(a) Nixon.
(b) Kennedy.
(c) Goldwater.
(d) Johnson.

11. What did the Indians see on TV that turned them off to the Civil Rights Movement?
(a) Martin Luther King.
(b) Malcom X.
(c) The March on Washington.
(d) Looting.

12. What were the record years for the Christian church on the reservations?
(a) 1863 to 1910.
(b) 1850 to 1900.
(c) 1855 to 1863.
(d) 1870 to 1930.

13. What was the result of Christian missions on the reservations?
(a) To shatter Indian society.
(b) To gather Indian ministers.
(c) To re-establish the Native American Church.
(d) To uplift Indian society.

14. Blacks (African Americans) and Indians (American Indians) defines racial problems with one focal point. What is it?
(a) The White Man.
(b) Land rights.
(c) The government.
(d) Racial equality.

15. What does the Native American Church use in its sacramental worship life?
(a) The peyote button.
(b) Communion.
(c) Prayer shawls.
(d) Dance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Among the Sioux in the Dakotas, what was the Sun Dance reinterpreted as?

2. What did Senator Clinton Anderson announce in 1968?

3. What Department was the Bureau of Indian Affairs transferred to when it opened in 1849?

4. What is one of the main beliefs of the Indians about their religion?

5. Who is the prophet of peace on the Hopi reservation?

(see the answer keys)

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