Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does not overlap across state boundaries?
(a) Buffalo.
(b) Water.
(c) Treaty rights.
(d) Tribes.

2. How does the author believe that America should view the Indian wars of the past?
(a) Not as wars.
(b) As Civil Wars.
(c) As the first foreign wars of American history.
(d) As conflicts, not wars.

3. Who appointed Dillon Myer as Commissioner of Indian Affairs?
(a) President Eisenhower.
(b) President Truman.
(c) President Roosevelt.
(d) President Nixon.

4. What is the main problem for the Plains Indians?
(a) They still want to go to war.
(b) They have no water.
(c) An inadequate land base that continues to shrink because of land sales.
(d) They spend all day making eagle warbonnets.

5. How, according to the author, has America always viewed other nations?
(a) America tries to help other countries, but sometimes oversteps their boundaries.
(b) As neighbors and friends.
(c) America has always honored other nations, but not the Indians.
(d) As a militantly imperialistic world power eagerly grasping for economic control over weaker nations.

6. What political aspirations did the Seneca's accuse the government of having regarding the oldest Indian treaty?
(a) Senator Kennedy wanted to buy the land for his own family.
(b) The dam was part of the price of keeping Pennsylvania in line for John F. Kennedy at the 1960 Democratic Convention.
(c) President Kennedy wanted to add the land to Camp David.
(d) President Kennedy needed the land to bargain with the Russians during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

7. How many tribal communities get federal services?
(a) 30.
(b) Thousands.
(c) Hundreds.
(d) 10.

8. Like the missionaries, what have anthropologists become intolerably certain of?
(a) That they know very little about Indians.
(b) That they need more study of American Indians.
(c) That they need more time with Indians.
(d) That they know the ultimate truth.

9. What is the main conflict of the Northwestern tribes and the government?
(a) Herding rights.
(b) Hunting and water rights.
(c) National Park rights.
(d) Fishing and Gaming rights.

10. Who signed the original treaties with the Northwest Coast American Indians?
(a) Abraham Lincoln.
(b) George Bush.
(c) Theodore Roosevelt.
(d) Isaac Stevens.

11. What did early treaties allow the tribes to do to white men violating their laws and borders?
(a) The tribes could call for government back-up.
(b) The tribes could banish them.
(c) The tribes could jail them.
(d) The tribes could punish them.

12. Why, according to the author, do anthropologists never carry a writing instrument?
(a) Because they already know what they are going to find.
(b) Because they would rather record than write for accuracy.
(c) Because the ink dries up in the sun.
(d) Because they are afraid they will hurt a child with it.

13. How are young Indians connected to anthropologists?
(a) They teach anthroplogists about their art.
(b) They assist them in their work.
(c) They teach anthropologists about their culture.
(d) They have become unwitting missionaries for anthropologists.

14. What, according to the author, is one of the finest things about being an Indian?
(a) People are always interested in your "plight."
(b) It is lucrative to be an American Indian.
(c) You get to live on a reservation.
(d) People like you on sight.

15. When Watkins visited the Menominee, what did he compare the living conditions to?
(a) Hiroshima after the atomic bomb.
(b) Pearl Harbor after the Japanese attack.
(c) War torn Italy.
(d) The refugee camps of the Near East after World War II.

Short Answer Questions

1. What other name is the Wheeler-Howard Act known by?

2. What was one emphasis outlined in the Termination Act?

3. What, according to the author, did the death of President Kennedy and Sitting Bull have in common?

4. What does the author suggest that each anthropologist should have to do in order to study a tribe?

5. What is the fundamental thesis of the anthropologist?

(see the answer keys)

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