The Crucible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crucible Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does John Proctor threaten to whip Abigail?
(a) Abigail is hitting him.
(b) Abigail is throwing things at him.
(c) Abigail is hitting Elizabeth Proctor.
(d) Abigail is speaking against his wife.

2. What two things does Tituba say the devil claimed he would give her if she did what he asked?
(a) Clothing and shelter.
(b) Food and water.
(c) Her freedom and a way back to Barbados.
(d) Money and fame.

3. How old is Abigail?
(a) Seventeen.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Eighteen.
(d) Sixteen.

4. What does Parris accuse John Proctor of doing to him?
(a) Mistreating Abigail.
(b) Stealing his firewood.
(c) Being a heretic.
(d) Leading a faction against him.

5. How does John Proctor describe Parris' sermons?
(a) As "guilt and sin" sermons.
(b) As "fire and brimstone" sermons.
(c) As "light and fluffy" sermons.
(d) As "hellfire and bloody damnation" sermons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who complains that he/she is living in "poverty"?

2. Mr. Putnam and John Proctor argue over the firewood. Who does it most likely belong to?

3. What does Giles Corey's wife do with books after she reads them?

4. When Parris and Abigail argue about her time at the Proctor house, she accuses Parris of something. What is it?

5. What convinces Hale that the supernatural is involved, and the girls weren't just dancing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Giles tells Hale that John Proctor doesn't believe in witches. What is John Proctor's response?

2. Describe John Proctor.

3. Why does Abigail dislike Elizabeth Proctor so much?

4. Does Tituba come up with the idea of other townspeople talking to the devil?

5. To what extent is Betty really sick?

6. Rebecca Nurse makes a snide comment to Mrs. Putnam before she leaves Parris' home to go home. What is it and what is she implying?

7. Where is Betty's mother in Act 1?

8. There is a disagreement about the kettle in the forest. Who disagrees and what about?

9. Why is Rebecca Nurse able to calm Betty?

10. Why was Abigail really fired from being a servant to the Proctors?

(see the answer keys)

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