Criss Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynne Rae Perkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Criss Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynne Rae Perkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Debbie see Lenny doing in his backyard?
(a) Swimming in the pool.
(b) Mowing the lawn.
(c) Working on his bike.
(d) Raking leaves.

2. For what will the person in question #92 use what fell out of Russell's pocket?
(a) To give to Lenny.
(b) To sell to a pawn shop.
(c) To blackmail Russell.
(d) To tease Debbie.

3. On what issue does Mrs. Bruning remain firm with Peter's parents?
(a) Debbie being her housekeeper.
(b) Allowing Peter to stay with her.
(c) Being able to drive.
(d) Not going to the hospital.

4. To what has Mrs. Bruning agreed with Peter's parents?
(a) To leave for assisted living in two weeks.
(b) To advertise for a renter.
(c) A visiting nurse and meals on wheels.
(d) To move her bedroom downstairs.

5. Where do Peter and his parents live?
(a) Nebraska.
(b) California.
(c) New York.
(d) Florida.

6. What has brought the worms out on the sidewalk?
(a) A light rain.
(b) The heat of summer.
(c) A torrential downpour.
(d) The search for food.

7. What drops out of Russell's jacket pocket?
(a) A harmonica.
(b) A twenty dollar bill.
(c) Debbie's necklace.
(d) His car keys.

8. What has Russell found?
(a) A counterfeit fifty dollar bill.
(b) A class ring.
(c) A box of .36 bullets.
(d) Debbie's necklace.

9. For what is Hector looking in the crowd at the celebration?
(a) His guitar teacher.
(b) His parents.
(c) Meadow.
(d) The hot dog stand.

10. Where has Debbie moved her bedroom?
(a) To the attic room.
(b) To the front parlor.
(c) To the basement.
(d) To her vacated brother's room.

11. What is Debbie doing as she hears Lenny and his father's conversation?
(a) Writing a poem.
(b) Painting with water colors.
(c) Her algebra and German homework.
(d) Sewing.

12. What does Debbie's great aunt say Debbie's cousin's job is?
(a) Selling shoes.
(b) Building houses.
(c) Running a bulldozer.
(d) Writing books.

13. What does Hector say his grandmother talks about a lot?
(a) Her surgeries.
(b) Her two small dogs.
(c) How her and her husband met.
(d) When she lived in Paris.

14. What does Hector's mother make for which some people might want the recipe?
(a) Jell-o salad.
(b) Pizza.
(c) Green pea soup.
(d) Sugar cookies.

15. What were the two conversation subjects Hector asked Debbie about while sitting on the curb?
(a) The lack of education in schools and the problems with playing baseball in the rain.
(b) Movies one has not seen and what one dreamed the night before.
(c) Television series and science fiction books.
(d) Teenage crime and how parents should act with their children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What festival is coming up in the teens' hometown?

2. What does Peter Bruning call his grandmother?

3. What is Lenny doing with his father in Chapter 16:

4. What is wrong with Mrs. Bruning's car?

5. What impresses Debbie about the student with the locker next to hers?

(see the answer keys)

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