Crazy Lady! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crazy Lady! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the word Ronald is apparently trying to say?
(a) Please.
(b) Mama.
(c) Dog.
(d) Hungry.

2. What is Vernon's response when Miss Annie says she wants Vernon to help with a garden?
(a) That it has to be cared for.
(b) That he'll gather up some others to help.
(c) That he doesn't want to do it.
(d) That it's too much work.

3. What does Ronald begin doing when Maxine brings the coffee outside?
(a) Running around pretending to be an airplane.
(b) Begging for a soda.
(c) Chopping at the ground with a hoe.
(d) Drinking coffee.

4. Why does Vernon come home early from school that Wednesday in chapter 21?
(a) The electricity had gone out.
(b) There was a fire at the school.
(c) His teacher was ill.
(d) He pretended to be sick.

5. What's wrong with Miss Annie that keeps her from walking around the neighborhood?
(a) She doesn't have shoes.
(b) Arthritis.
(c) She's lazy.
(d) Her back.

6. What is Maxine's last name?
(a) Flooter.
(b) Hastings.
(c) Taylor.
(d) Jackson.

7. Where does Vernon put his homework when he arrives at Miss Annie's in chapter 22?
(a) In Miss Annie's hand.
(b) On the kitchen table.
(c) On the couch.
(d) On the coffee table.

8. Who tells Vernon that Maxine is drunk in front of the Meyer's house?
(a) Bobby.
(b) Ronald.
(c) Jerry.
(d) Sandra.

9. What does Maxine have in her hand when Vernon arrives to take him shopping?
(a) A newspaper.
(b) A bowl of cereal.
(c) A bottle of liquor.
(d) A comb and a bar of soap.

10. What does the woman with all the junk in the yard say Ronald is doing while he stares at her yard?
(a) Singing.
(b) Thinking.
(c) Counting.
(d) Just staring.

11. Where does Vernon find Brownie's dog food?
(a) In the kitchen cabinet.
(b) On the back porch.
(c) In a corner.
(d) In the living room floor.

12. What is Vernon's response when Ben says Maxine is looking for him at the beginning of chapter 28?
(a) That he'll go over to see her.
(b) That she can write a letter.
(c) That she can call.
(d) That he doesn't care what she has to say.

13. What does Ben say Miss Etta gave him?
(a) A soda.
(b) Candy.
(c) Chalk.
(d) Toy guns.

14. Who finds the shoes that are prefect for Ronald?
(a) Vernon.
(b) Bobby.
(c) Ronald.
(d) The salesman.

15. Where does Sandra say she found Vernon's book?
(a) By his bed.
(b) On the kitchen table.
(c) On the couch.
(d) On the sidewalk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the store where Vernon goes to buy Ronald's shoes?

2. What does Miss Annie say when Vernon says the problems with Miss Marlow are his fault because of the fair?

3. What does Vernon give Jerry after their argument about Maxine and Ronald?

4. What chore does Vernon's dad say they are all going to take turns doing?

5. What is the nickname Vernon says is perfect for Miss Annie?

(see the answer keys)

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