Collected Fictions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Collected Fictions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Gospel According to Mark," what does Baltasar do with the Gutres' English Bible?
(a) Uses it to prove the Bible's many historical errors.
(b) Translates it into Spanish.
(c) Steals it and sells it.
(d) Hides it from them.

2. In "Legend," what does Abel do to Cain?
(a) He murders Cain.
(b) He flees from his presence.
(c) He forgives him.
(d) He never sees him, as Cain is in Hell.

3. In "A Weary Man's Utopia," how old is the man from the future?
(a) 100.
(b) 35.
(c) 400.
(d) 3, with scientific advances, humans reach maturity extremely early.

4. In "Parable of Cervantes and Don Quixote," Cervantes can best be described as which of the following?
(a) Unaware of the future recognition of his fictional character, Don Quixote.
(b) Despondent, for he believes art is useless.
(c) Insane.
(d) Young and arrogant.

5. In "Parable of the Palace," why does the Emperor execute the poet?
(a) His poetry is awful.
(b) His poetry reveals the poets love of the Emperor's wife.
(c) His poetry is simply empty flattery of the Emperor, and the Emperor hates flatterers.
(d) For "stealing" his palace by capturing it in a poem.

6. In "Shakespeare's Memory," what do Shakespeare's memories do for Hermann?
(a) Give him some very small success, but mostly overwhelm him.
(b) Allow him to become the reigning poet of the earth.
(c) Make him realize Shakespeare's inadequacy, and how Shakespeare had somehow duped countless millions into believing in his greatness.
(d) Make him catatonic.

7. What is the event in "The Elderly Lady"?
(a) The Day of the Dead.
(b) Her 90th birthday.
(c) Her 100th birthday.
(d) Christmas.

8. In "A Dialogue About a Dialogue," what interrupts the dialogue?
(a) One of the speakers becomes suddenly ill.
(b) The narrator remembers he has to catch a train.
(c) The talkers run out of things to say.
(d) A noise.

9. In "There are More Things," who seems to inhabit the narrator's deceased uncle's house?
(a) The narrator's double.
(b) A society of atheists.
(c) The ghost of his uncle.
(d) Aliens.

10. In "The Plot," a gaucho's murder is similar to the murder of what famous figure?
(a) Abraham Lincoln.
(b) Jesus.
(c) The Archduke Ferdinand.
(d) Julius Caesar.

11. In "Avelino Arredondo," whom does Avelino murder?
(a) A rival in love.
(b) His wife.
(c) The Uruguayan President, Juan Borda.
(d) A heretic.

12. In "The Maker," what does the father give the protagonist when he is a boy?
(a) A book of poetry.
(b) A shield.
(c) A knife.
(d) An emerald.

13. In "Ulrikke," what happens between the narrator and Ulrikke?
(a) They have a brutal knife fight.
(b) They casually sleep together.
(c) The narrator pursues her around the world.
(d) They switch identities.

14. In "August 25, 1983," what hotel room does Borges go to?
(a) 49.
(b) The room is numberless.
(c) 63.
(d) 19.

15. In "The Sect of Thirty," the sect worships which Biblical figure?
(a) Ahab.
(b) Judas.
(c) Solomon.
(d) Cain.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Bribe," what does Professor Einarrson write?

2. In "Delia Elena San Marco," what does the narrator wonder after the death of his beloved?

3. What does the narrator hypothesize is the cause of the fight in "The Encounter"?

4. In "The Other Duel," though Cardosa and Silveira have a long-standing feud, what do they both do?

5. In "The Maker," the protagonist is what Greek writer?

(see the answer keys)

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