Circle of Friends Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Circle of Friends Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Benny and Eve are going to Dublin to study, but where is Eve going instead of the university?
(a) a convent to study to be a secretary
(b) a convent to become a nun
(c) a convent to teach small children
(d) a convent to work for the Mother Superior

2. What do Patsy and Annabel do for Jack's visit?
(a) iron Benny's best dress
(b) plan a meal
(c) decorate the house
(d) go out and leave them alone

3. What does Nan bring to Eve in the hospital?
(a) a university catalog
(b) a novel to read
(c) a bunch of violets
(d) a few recent magazines

4. What funny thing does the Protestant Heather want to know about nuns?
(a) if they sleep in coffins
(b) if they eat Protestant children
(c) if they ever wear bright colors
(d) if they bathe with their clothes on

5. What comment does Aengus make about Benny's dress?
(a) it looks like the prow of a ship
(b) she's popping out of it
(c) it's the best dress at the party
(d) it's definitely her color

6. Why have twp officers been sent to Dun Laoghaire?
(a) to notify Frank's family
(b) to learn the dead boy's identity
(c) to chase the driver of the car
(d) to escort Benny home

7. Why does Eve resent the Westward family who are her relatives?
(a) becase they do not approve of Benny
(b) because they want to tell her what to do
(c) because of their lavish lifestyle in Westlands
(d) because they are Protestants

8. What does Nan tell her father she was afraid of his doing if he came to the hospital?
(a) falling down drunk
(b) chastising her
(c) ordering the doctors around
(d) making a scene

9. What does Nan wrangle out of her father, Brian?
(a) a new pair of shoes
(b) a generous monthly allowance
(c) her university tution
(d) a ride to Dublin

10. What do Eve and Simon argue about?
(a) Heather's allowance
(b) his appearance at the hotel
(c) Heather's school
(d) his improper dress

11. What does Eve say any boy who loves her will have to endure?
(a) her hostility
(b) her curisoity
(c) her anxiety
(d) her poverty

12. What is Eve doing when Benny asks her to put down a knife?
(a) playing mumblypeg
(b) talking about Simon
(c) cutting bread
(d) talking about suicide

13. What advice does Nan give Benny when she learns Jack is coming to visit her?
(a) how to be coy
(b) what to wear
(c) where to take him
(d) what to say

14. Where is Mother Francis taking Eve?
(a) to Benny's house in Knockglen
(b) to another hospital
(c) back to Knockglen
(d) back to Mother Clare

15. Why does Benny not attend the funeral for Jack?
(a) she wants to visit Eve
(b) she doesn't want to see Mrs. Hegarty
(c) she has to go home on the bus
(d) she says she didn't know Jack

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Eve introduce herself to Benny in the reading room?

2. Why does Nan not notify her parents?

3. Why does Mother Francis tell Kit about Eve's history?

4. What reason does Jack give his mother for inviting so many girls to their sherry party?

5. Who prays to find the money to send Eve to university?

(see the answer keys)

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