Child of the Owl: Golden Mountain Chronicles: 1965 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of the Owl: Golden Mountain Chronicles: 1965 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Casey annoy Barney in this section?
(a) She tells him she never wants to live with him again.
(b) She tells him she hates being Chinese.
(c) She tells him he will never get over his addictions.
(d) She tells him she has been in touch with Sheridan.

2. What does Paw Paw teach Casey to use in this section?
(a) A Chinese pen.
(b) Chopsticks.
(c) A slingshot.
(d) An abacus.

3. What does Mr. Jeh say had crawled out of him while he was sleeping?
(a) His heart.
(b) His soul.
(c) His evil.
(d) His brain.

4. Whom does Booger have posters of on her bedroom wall?
(a) Pop stars.
(b) Scientists.
(c) Movie stars.
(d) Chinese theater actors.

5. What do the Chinese people like to play in the park?
(a) Draughts.
(b) Chess.
(c) Billiards.
(d) Backgammon.

6. Whom does Casey think the young man with greased hair looks like?
(a) James Dean.
(b) Tony Curtis.
(c) Marlon Brando.
(d) Kirk Douglas.

7. Why does Phil say he should sue Booger's family?
(a) They have no security working there.
(b) The locks to the building are easy to break.
(c) All the phones are out of order.
(d) The apartment building is not lit well enough.

8. What do Paw Paw and Casey do in an attempt to stay warm?
(a) Block the draught.
(b) Put on more clothes.
(c) Light the stove.
(d) Eat a big feast.

9. What does Casey think Paw Paw could have saved her money to do instead of taking Casey to the movies?
(a) Get heating.
(b) Buy more food.
(c) Go to China.
(d) Get her necklace fixed.

10. Where does Gilbert go to immediately after leaving the pool hall?
(a) A payphone.
(b) Another bar.
(c) An apartment building.
(d) His car.

11. Why does Casey think Barney has sent Paw Paw five dollars?
(a) To pay for her upkeep.
(b) To pay for Casey's ticket home.
(c) To pay for the collect call.
(d) To apologize for being away for so long.

12. What kind of meat does Casey buy with the five dollars?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Pork.
(c) Beef.
(d) Duck.

13. Mr. Jeh accuses Gilbert of ________________.
(a) Stealing his money.
(b) Breaking Paw Paw's leg.
(c) Breaking into the apartment.
(d) Working for criminals.

14. What does Casey say she will do if Booger comments about the way she is dressed?
(a) Hang from her hair.
(b) Wrap a baton around her neck.
(c) Shove her shoe down her throat.
(d) Rip her dress off of her.

15. What does Cheun Meih mean in Chinese?
(a) Taste of Spring.
(b) Summer Day.
(c) Kind Greeter.
(d) Welcoming.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of weapon is the man who answers the door to Gilbert holding?

2. Where do the makeshift detectives follow Gilbert to after he makes his call?

3. What does the cook say Casey has to do before she sells her the buns?

4. Where did Mr. Jeh live so he didn't have to live off his family's money?

5. Why does Sheridan say no one would hire Barney?

(see the answer keys)

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