Charlotte Temple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Charlotte Temple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Charlotte spikes a fever, how does Belcour react?
(a) He sits with her days.
(b) He gets John for her.
(c) He finds Mrs. Beauchamp.
(d) He gets the best doctor from New York.

2. After three months of marriage, what has Crayton found out about La Rue?
(a) La Rue is vain and bad-tempered.
(b) La Rue constantly cheats on him.
(c) La Rue cannot have children.
(d) La Rue lied about being a good cook.

3. On the day before his marriage, what assignment does John give to Belcour?
(a) A guard for his house.
(b) The agent for financially supporting Charlotte and the baby.
(c) The president of his company.
(d) The man to give Julia away.

4. In the letter composed after speaking to Mrs. Beauchamp for the first time, how does Charlotte specify she wants her child raised?
(a) To avoid her errors.
(b) To be well-educated.
(c) To have love.
(d) To gain self-confidence.

5. Of what does John convince Julia as Charlotte befriends Mrs. Beauchamp?
(a) That he does not know Charlotte.
(b) That he is not the father of Charlotte's baby.
(c) That he does care for her family.
(d) That he is not after her money.

6. Charlotte gives Belcour letters for John many times. What does Belcour do with these letters?
(a) Gives them to John.
(b) Destorys them.
(c) Keeps them for himself.
(d) Mails them.

7. As Charlotte speaks to Mrs. Beauchamp for the first time, what does Charlotte confess about her parents?
(a) She gave them instructions to forget her.
(b) She never sent the letters.
(c) She wrote them terrible things.
(d) She never receives a response to her letters.

8. As John's relationship with Julia deepens, how does he increasingly feel about Charlotte?
(a) That Charlotte is untrue.
(b) That Charlotte is his true love.
(c) That Charlotte wants his money.
(d) That Charlotte lied to get a trip to America.

9. As Charlotte speaks to Mrs. Beauchamp for the first time, what upsets Mrs. Beauchamp?
(a) Her father has married a vile woman.
(b) John is abusing Charlotte.
(c) Charlotte misses her parents so much.
(d) Her father is returning to England.

10. After arriving in New York, what does Charlotte do with her time?
(a) Cooks and prepares dinner.
(b) Reads and sleeps.
(c) Expects a visit from John.
(d) Sews clothing.

11. Who is Julia Franklin?
(a) John's daughter.
(b) John's former mistress.
(c) A servant for Charlotte.
(d) A wealthy and attracive socialite.

12. What does Belcour say to John concern in reference to his lack of will to marry Julia?
(a) Belcour calls him a coward.
(b) Belcour wants John to forget Julia.
(c) Belcour gives him an understand talk.
(d) Belcour thinks him a fool.

13. What makes John condemn himself a seducer of innocence?
(a) That Charlotte would still be a virgin if she had not met John.
(b) That he seduced another woman while on active duty.
(c) That he has two women pregnant.
(d) That Charlotte believed him.

14. When John goes to break-up with Charlotte after meeting Julia, how does Charlotte greet him?
(a) Charlotte cries and faints in his arms.
(b) Charlotte is not home when John arrives.
(c) Charlotte runs out joyfully to greet him.
(d) Charlotte is cold and will not speak to him.

15. Why does John not marry Julia after he convinced her he is not taking advantage of her affection?
(a) He wishes to send Charlotte back to England first.
(b) He feels it inhumane to marry her while Charlotte is expecting his baby.
(c) He cannot gain her father's trust.
(d) He has no money because he cares for Charlotte.

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon meeting him, what does Rich Col. Crayton think of Belcour?

2. What argument does Charlotte design to give Mrs. Crayton after her landlord leaves?

3. After Charlotte recovers from her fever, what begins to depress her?

4. According to Charlotte, why does she not kill herself?

5. Arriving in New York, what does Charlotte think of finding female friends?

(see the answer keys)

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