Butcher's Crossing Test | Final Test - Medium

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Butcher's Crossing Test | Final Test - Medium

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How far away from Miller are the buffalo before he starts shooting?
(a) 300 yards.
(b) 20 yards.
(c) 50 yards.
(d) 150 yards.

2. What does Miller do when he approaches the dead leader of the buffalo herd?
(a) He kicks it in the ribs.
(b) He shoots it again to make sure it is dead.
(c) He scuffs its fur with the toe of his boot.
(d) He rolls it over.

3. What report does Miller make after inspecting the state of the men's horses?
(a) He says that the horses will reach starvation mode soon.
(b) He says that two of the horses have frozen to death.
(c) He says that the horses seem to be in good shape.
(d) He says that one of the horses is now lame.

4. How many buffalo does Miller kill before he cleans out his rifle?
(a) 16.
(b) 12.
(c) 6.
(d) 2.

5. For what purpose do the members of the hunting party add a particular liquid to the boiling buffalo hides?
(a) To remove the stiffness from the hides.
(b) To chase vermin out of the hides.
(c) To reduce the stench of the hides.
(d) To add color to the hides.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many days does it take the members of the hunting party to finish their shelter?

2. What objects do the members of the hunting party use to create comfortable beds once they set up camp in the valley?

3. What do the men prepare for their first meal in many days?

4. What new habit of Schneider's alarms Andrews?

5. How many steps toward the men does the leader of the herd take before he falls to the ground?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Miller feel about the coming winter and why?

2. What is the result of Miller's decision to keep hunting after Schneider protests the extension of the hunt?

3. How is Miller's monomaniacal nature demonstrated in his response to Schneider's comment that they do not have to hunt any more buffalo?

4. How does Andrews's view of Miller change during the last hour of the buffalo hunt?

5. What is the irony inherent in Miller's response to Schneider's request that Miller begin the hunt slowly?

6. How does Andrews feel about the coming of winter and why?

7. How does Andrews view Miller's actions as he takes the steps necessary to turn gunpowder into bullets?

8. How does Miller's explanation of his shooting mistake jibe with Andrews's own feelings about fate and consciousness?

9. After reading about Schneider's death, what instances of foreshadowing are now visible to the reader?

10. Describe and analyze the intense clash between Miller and Schneider in Part Two, Chapter VI.

(see the answer keys)

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