Burning for Revenge Test | Final Test - Easy

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burning for Revenge Test | Final Test - Easy

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Lee say he'd first thought Ellie was when he saw her in the burning barn?
(a) Fi.
(b) An angel.
(c) Robyn.
(d) Reni.

2. What happens the first time Ellie tries to follow Lee?
(a) She chickens out of following him.
(b) She loses him.
(c) She gets lost in the suburbs.
(d) He sees her.

3. What happens with the food Ellie leaves out for the kids?
(a) They eat it and leave the bowl.
(b) Nothing.
(c) They eat it and take the bowl.
(d) They dump it but don't eat it.

4. What is the vegetable Fi and Kevin find in the garden that Ellie and the others begin eating raw?
(a) Broccoli.
(b) Corn.
(c) Beans.
(d) Onions.

5. What is the whistle the members of Ellie's group uses for a signal?
(a) Four notes, high then low.
(b) The sound of a whipporwill.
(c) The opening of Braham's Lullaby.
(d) Five notes from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

6. What does Ellie say a hero in a book would do to solve the problem of their hunger?
(a) Find a pack filled with food.
(b) Drink a lot of water to fill his tummy.
(c) Catch a rabbit, fish, or dig up edible roots.
(d) Eat dirt.

7. What does Ellie use to pry open the back door of her Grandma's house?
(a) A trowel.
(b) A pipe.
(c) A screwdriver.
(d) A hammer.

8. What does Ellie tell Lee was her purpose for following him?
(a) To be sure he was alright.
(b) To be sure he wasn't running a private war.
(c) To be sure he wasn't cheating on her.
(d) She wasn't following but saw him near the barn.

9. What is the argument over the night after the group catches trout?
(a) How many to take back.
(b) How to cook them.
(c) How to clean them.
(d) Where to cook them.

10. What is the first question from the woman relating messages to and from Colonel Finley?
(a) Have you been active?
(b) Are you alright?
(c) How many planes did you destroy?
(d) Where are you?

11. Which of the following is among the things Ellie says she does in an effort to improve the atmosphere?
(a) Cleaning the house.
(b) Weeding the flower garden.
(c) Making fruit salad.
(d) Washing everyone's clothes.

12. What is interesting about the dog named Cob that belonged to Ellie's grandmother?
(a) It could be hypnotised.
(b) It slept on its back.
(c) It drank lying down.
(d) It growled while it drank.

13. What does Ellie remember about Homer's brother who was born when Homer was eight?
(a) He was wild.
(b) He lived only a couple of days.
(c) He craved adult attention.
(d) He was always hungry.

14. Where does Ellie say she'd learned the most about life?
(a) From school.
(b) From television.
(c) From the war.
(d) From her parents.

15. Why does Ellie say her efforts to be nice don't always seem nice?
(a) She doesn't understand why.
(b) She isn't naturally nice.
(c) She doesn't want people to think she's weak.
(d) She tries to never be nice.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the item the kids take from Homer?

2. What does Ellie say she envies about Robyn?

3. What does Ellie say is different about the house they decide to raid in an effort to find food?

4. What does Ellie say is hurt the worst after her ordeal with the burning barn?

5. Who picks up their items as Ellie and her group returns to the street where the kids dropped them?

(see the answer keys)

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