The Bronze Bow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bronze Bow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of pack train is the one Joel sees on the first day?
(a) A silk train.
(b) A spice train.
(c) A jewel train.
(d) A slave train.

2. What is the symbolism of Daniel beating the flaws out of the hot metal at his anvil?
(a) He is keeping busy so he doesn't have to think.
(b) It symbolizes what he would like to do to a Roman soldier.
(c) He is trying to remove what he sees as flaws in himself.
(d) It symbolizes what he would like to do to Rosh.

3. What does Daniel decide to do that night?
(a) To go to Capernaum to find Joel.
(b) To kill his first Roman.
(c) To buy Simon's blacksmith shop.
(d) To return to the mountain.

4. What does Thacia do for Daniel?
(a) Sings him to sleep.
(b) Brings medicine and binds his wound.
(c) Plays music on her harp.
(d) Sees that he has a pillow.

5. What reason does Hezron say the Jews of Capernaum should be grateful to the Romans?
(a) They post a guard around the synagogue.
(b) They do not come to the city often.
(c) They built the beautiful synagogue there.
(d) They have converted to the Jewish religion.

6. Restless on the mountain, what does Daniel want to do?
(a) Go to Capernaum and look for Joel.
(b) Teach Samson how to speak.
(c) Make more swords for the coming battle.
(d) Return to the village and check on his grandmother and Leah.

7. What stirs up Daniel's hatred while Jesus is speaking to the crowd?
(a) The sight of a Roman cross being carried by.
(b) The noise that makes it hard to hear.
(c) The smell of the rough crowd.
(d) Two Roman soldiers who walk up to listen.

8. What does Daniel think at first about how his life is being planned out?
(a) He thinks that his luck has turned for the better.
(b) He thinks people will now listen to him.
(c) He thinks that now he can live like Joel and Thacia.
(d) He thinks people are planning his life for him and he has no say in it.

9. What does Ebol tell Daniel they must take from the passing pack train?
(a) Bags of tea.
(b) The cargo of silk.
(c) All their money.
(d) A large black man.

10. How is Samson useful to the camp?
(a) Hauling water and wood.
(b) Rolling rocks down the mountainside.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Standing guard at night.

11. Of what does Rosh accuse Daniel?
(a) Trying to steal from the other men on the mountain.
(b) Being too arrogant for his own good.
(c) Not really wanting to drive the Romans out of the country.
(d) Having the flaw of weakness in his character.

12. As Daniel is recovering, Joel reads to him from what book?
(a) Ezra.
(b) Genesis.
(c) Amos.
(d) Enoch.

13. How does Daniel finally get back to the cave?
(a) Rosh sends out a patrol to find him.
(b) Samson is waiting for him and carries him to the cave.
(c) The sight of Roman soldiers in the valley below make him hurry on.
(d) He rests at the foot of the mountain and continues the next morning.

14. What do most people think that someone is doing on the mountain?
(a) Setting up a new government.
(b) Manning a look out post.
(c) Hiding from the law.
(d) Raising an army to fight the Romans.

15. Who comes to the blacksmith shop to have a scythe repaired?
(a) Nathan.
(b) Ebol.
(c) Joel.
(d) A Roman soldier.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Daniel feel ashamed?

2. What name do they give the black man?

3. What story did Simon tell Daniel about Jesus?

4. What is the only thing that bothers him about leaving the village?

5. How does Daniel overpower the caravan man who Daniel is supposed to take out?

(see the answer keys)

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