Bright and Morning Star Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bright and Morning Star Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Reva respond to Sue's comment about Johnny-Boy?
(a) She is sad.
(b) She is pleased.
(c) She is puzzled.
(d) She is angry.

2. What does Sue's friend want to know?
(a) What happened to Sue.
(b) Where Johnny-Boy is.
(c) Where Booker went.
(d) Where the Sheriff is.

3. What does the Sheriff threaten to do if Sue does not talk to her son?
(a) Split his eardrums.
(b) Go after her other son.
(c) Split her eardrums.
(d) Shoot him.

4. About what is Sue certain?
(a) That her son will be killed.
(b) That the Sheriff is lying.
(c) That her son's death will be avenged.
(d) That the morgue wouldn't have her son.

5. What does Sue think is likely?
(a) That her grandchildren will be put up for adoption.
(b) That she'll never see either of her sons again.
(c) That she'll be killed by the Sheriff.
(d) That the Communists lied to her.

6. What does she take with her?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A sleeping pill.
(c) The list of cell members.
(d) A white sheet.

7. What does Booker do to Sue's head?
(a) Gets her a wet cloth for it.
(b) Washes it.
(c) Bandages it.
(d) Stitches it up.

8. Where does Booker carry Sue?
(a) Into the kitchen.
(b) Upstairs to the bedroom.
(c) To the ambulance.
(d) To his car.

9. Is she able to remain strong?
(a) She is until she hears of the Sheriff's death.
(b) Yes.
(c) She is until she hears of the death of all the Communists.
(d) No.

10. How long does she contemplate things?
(a) Several hours.
(b) A week.
(c) Several days.
(d) A few minutes.

11. What is Sue's last thought?
(a) That Jesus is waiting for her.
(b) That she is able to remain strong and prevent the men from learning the names of her son's comrades.
(c) That she will shortly see her son in heaven.
(d) That she is sorry for murdering anyone.

12. What are they planing to do to Johnny-Boy?
(a) Dump his body in the river.
(b) Send him to the prison labor camp.
(c) Kill him after he gives them what he wants.
(d) Break his legs.

13. When Sue looks at her wounded son, what does she wish?
(a) She could save him.
(b) She could kill all the men there.
(c) She hadn't come to see this.
(d) She could shoot him so he felt no more pain.

14. What does Sue want to do?
(a) Have a priest adminster last rites.
(b) Stall for the arrival of Booker.
(c) Pray with her son before he dies.
(d) Convince her son to confess.

15. What is the name of the woods where her son is?
(a) Foley's woods.
(b) It doesn't have a name.
(c) The White Woods.
(d) Breckenridge Forest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sue decide to do?

2. What is the name of the person standing over her?

3. How does Sue feel about accepting Booker's help?

4. Where does Booker say the Sheriff is?

5. What does Sue do before she leaves?

(see the answer keys)

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