Bright and Morning Star Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bright and Morning Star Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sue need to do?
(a) Get to the hospital.
(b) Go lie down.
(c) Inform other comrades to avoid the meeting.
(d) Get to her son and save him.

2. What is one thing Sue thinks about doing?
(a) Just going to bed and forgetting it all.
(b) Killing herself.
(c) Searching for Johnny-Boy in the woods.
(d) Making Reva leave town.

3. What does Booker ask?
(a) Who hit her.
(b) Where her son is.
(c) Where she is hit.
(d) Why she is like this.

4. Where does one of the men take Sue?
(a) To the jail.
(b) Home.
(c) To the Sheriff.
(d) To the ambulance.

5. What does Sue think is likely?
(a) That her grandchildren will be put up for adoption.
(b) That the Communists lied to her.
(c) That she'll be killed by the Sheriff.
(d) That she'll never see either of her sons again.

6. What does Sue tell the men the reason is for her being there?
(a) She has come to retrieve her son.
(b) She wants to say goodbye to her son.
(c) She wants to get her son to confess.
(d) She wants to look the Sheriff in the eyes.

7. Who is Booker?
(a) One of the newest party members.
(b) An FBI agent.
(c) Sue's youngest son.
(d) A neighbor.

8. What does Sue decide to do?
(a) Go to the woods?
(b) Go to bed and sleep on it.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Go to her daughter-in-law's home.

9. What race is the person standing over her?
(a) White.
(b) Chinese.
(c) Hispanic.
(d) Negro.

10. Why does Booker stop Sue from rising?
(a) Because she is too weak.
(b) Because she is already in trouble enough as it is.
(c) Because she is still dizzy.
(d) Because he hasn't finished stitching her head.

11. What does Sue's friend want to know?
(a) What happened to Sue.
(b) Where Johnny-Boy is.
(c) Where the Sheriff is.
(d) Where Booker went.

12. In this chapter, several things are foreshadowed, a term that means...?
(a) The repeating of words of the same consonent.
(b) Something that gives a hint of something to come.
(c) When the sun goes behind a really large cloud.
(d) Giving false clues to throw off the reader.

13. What does Sue want after she and Reva have talked awhile?
(a) To go search for Johnny-Boy.
(b) To be alone.
(c) To take a long, hot bath.
(d) To go to sleep.

14. What is Sue's last thought?
(a) That Jesus is waiting for her.
(b) That she will shortly see her son in heaven.
(c) That she is sorry for murdering anyone.
(d) That she is able to remain strong and prevent the men from learning the names of her son's comrades.

15. What does Sue have to remain strong?
(a) For the survival of the Communist party cell.
(b) For Reva's sake.
(c) For Johnny-Boy's sake.
(d) She doesn't think she has to remain strong.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sue clarify her intentions?

2. How does Sue feel about Booker's offer?

3. What does Sue tell her friend?

4. What can't Sue do what she wishes for her son?

5. What does Sue not trust Booker?

(see the answer keys)

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