Bloody Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bloody Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many dead are Anita and Larry planning on raising from the dead in Chapter 33?
(a) Three.
(b) Thirty
(c) Three hundred.
(d) As many as they can.

2. What does Bloody Bones tell Magnus?
(a) I knew this day would come.
(b) You have used my power pitifully.
(c) I will be free to kill you.
(d) You will return the blood you have taken.

3. Who does Magnus say is in the other coffin in the Bloody Bones bar?
(a) Xavier and Jeff.
(b) Janos.
(c) Ellie Quinlan.
(d) Jean-Claude.

4. What animal does Anita have that she uses to sacrifice in Chapter 33?
(a) A goat.
(b) An elephant.
(c) A horse.
(d) A cow.

5. What does Janos say that the torture room is?
(a) His reward for being a faithful servant.
(b) Their training room.
(c) Just one of many interesting rooms in the house.
(d) Their entertaining room.

6. Why does Anita say that master vampires don't talk to cops?
(a) They just aren't social butterflies.
(b) Too many years of cops shooting them on site.
(c) They feel they are above human law.
(d) It goes against their rules.

7. What does Janos explain the purpose the girls are going to serve?
(a) They are going to be whipping boys for Larry and Jason.
(b) They serve no purpose other than to show how serious Serephina is.
(c) They are going to give up a toe off of each foot in place of two of Jean-Claude's people.
(d) Janos is going to turn them.

8. What does Jean-Claude say may happen if Serephina drinks from Bloody Bones in Chapter 38?
(a) It may make her immune to daylight.
(b) The crosses may no longer work.
(c) He isn't sure but knows it won't be good.
(d) It may make her invincible.

9. What does Anita do when it becomes clean that Jean-Claude cannot defeat Janos?
(a) She walks over to grab Larry.
(b) She begins to shoot everyone.
(c) She sets the room on fire.
(d) She challenges Ivy.

10. What does Janos say he wants to see before dawn?
(a) The death of Jean-Claude.
(b) The fulfillment of the prophecy.
(c) Them all naked and bleeding.
(d) Everyone happy and getting along.

11. Why does Jean-Claude say that he is confident of the level of Serephina's powers?
(a) She never was very powerful.
(b) A vampire's powers are established at about two or three centuries.
(c) She was a different kind of vampire than he is.
(d) He has been talking to some of Serephina's consorts.

12. Who is missing from the party when Anita and the others arrive in Chapter 38?
(a) Ellie.
(b) Jeff and Xavier.
(c) Magnus.
(d) Janos.

13. What does Anita have Agent Bradford do when Serephina begins trying to use Anita to come save her?
(a) Cuff her.
(b) Knock her out.
(c) Stab her with a crucifix.
(d) Hold her down.

14. What does Magnus say will happen if Anita raises the dead from the hillside for Stirling?
(a) It will kill Magnus and Dorcas.
(b) It will rip a whole if the fabric of reality.
(c) He isn't sure.
(d) Bloody Bones will be loosed.

15. Why does Serephina say that she will help Anita find Jeff Quinlan in Chapter 27?
(a) Because Anita was able to slip Serephina's grasp twice in one night.
(b) Because Anita is special.
(c) Because of the relationship she has with Jean-Claude.
(d) To make amends for the evening's theatrics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Serephina say that Jean-Claude will be?

2. What does Jean-Claude tell Anita when she asks him how careful she needs to while walking next to Ivy in Chapter 24?

3. What does Anita use to get Ivy off of her in Chapter 34?

4. How does Bayard die?

5. What does Jean-Claude tell Anita to pull out telling her not to be bashful on his account?

(see the answer keys)

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