Being There Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Being There Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When were Chance's fingerprints checked out?

2. Who else is spying on Gardiner?

3. When Tom Courtney of the New York Times telephones Chance to interview him, what does Chance say?

4. What does Sulkin praise Skrapinov for having?

5. What does EE make of Chance's reluctance to receive her advances?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the New York Times reporter, Tom Courtney, interviews Chance over the phone, what kind of answers does Chance give him?

2. How does Chance feel about an opportunity to appear on TV?

3. In what way does Chance inadvertently stun the journalists interviewing him after the U.N. gala?

4. At the United Nations gala in Chapter 5, who does Chance seem to impress the most and why?

5. Mr. Rand tells Chance that he admires his peacefulness. What is it about Chance that makes him appear so at ease?

6. In what way does the President incorporate Chance's words on gardening into his speech at the Financial Institute?

7. EE expresses her love to Chance in Chapter 5. What are EE's reasons for being so attracted to Chance?

8. The President of the United States is getting frustrated with the lack of information on Gardiner in Chapter 6. What sort of information is the President's investigator, Grunmann, able to uncover?

9. What does Chance say to both a man at the dinner party and to EE when they each make sexual advances towards him? Why?

10. Upon entering Chance's bedroom, EE gives him more clues that she is enamored with him. What hints does she drop to Chance and what is his reaction?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Thinking of Chauncey Gardiner being described as one of the most well-adjusted in America, think of the politicians on the American landscape of today's world.

Who is the most well-adjusted?

Who is the least well-adjusted?

Support your answers with facts and quotes from the people you have chosen. Describe how Americans have reacted to these people.

Essay Topic 2

It can be said that throughout the book Chance is simply passing through the scenes on his way to somewhere else, with the Old Man's briefcase and suit. Where is Chance's ultimate destination? Why is he only passing through instead of stopping?

Essay Topic 3

Chance has a certain relationship with television. When he changes the channel he believes he can change himself.

A) Expand upon Chance's feelings about television.

B) Discuss what you think happens when the TV is turned off and there is the little white dot going to black.

C) What has Chance learned from watching television?

(see the answer keys)

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