Being There Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Being There Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Chance basically did two things in the Old Man's house. Those two things were what?
(a) Take care of the Old Man and tend the garden.
(b) Tend the garden and watch TV.
(c) Prepare his meals and tend the garden.
(d) Sit with Louise and chat and watch TV.

2. What had Chance been paid for his gardening chores over the years?
(a) He was given a home near the Old Man's house.
(b) He received a new car every year.
(c) He was given meals, a room and a television.
(d) He was paid $200 per week.

3. Why didn't Chance like to take the elevator in the house?
(a) It was broken.
(b) He didn't understand how it worked.
(c) He preferred to take the stairs for exercise.
(d) He didn't trust it since Louise was once trapped in it.

4. What did Chance do upon entering the Old Man's bedroom and seeing him dead upon the bed?
(a) He fainted and fell to the floor.
(b) He went over to the maid and hugged her.
(c) He looked at the Old Man and stared into his face.
(d) He began to cry.

5. Where had Louise gone to live after leaving the Old Man's house?
(a) Jamaica.
(b) She never left the house.
(c) Europe.
(d) Florida.

6. Who called Chance on the telephone and asked him to come up to the study?
(a) The fat maid.
(b) The Old Man.
(c) Thomas Franklin, an estate lawyer.
(d) Louise, the former maid.

7. What are the last two things Chance looks at before leaving?
(a) The TV and the Old Man's room.
(b) The attic and the garden.
(c) The garden and the TV.
(d) The garden and the kitchen.

8. Why couldn't Chance leave the Old Man's house or go beyond the garden gate?
(a) He had no money of his own.
(b) He couldn't walk very well.
(c) He did not speak English.
(d) He had some sort of brain damage.

9. What is the invitation that EE extends to Chance?
(a) She invites him to a party that evening.
(b) She invites him to stay until the following day.
(c) She invites him to stay in their home until he is better.
(d) She invites him to join her husband's corporation.

10. What does Mr. Rand ask Chance to think over?
(a) Giving a time frame for leaving his home.
(b) Helping EE with her social affairs.
(c) Getting a second medical opinion.
(d) A possible position within his company.

11. What sound was the fat maid making as Chance entered the Old Man's bedroom?
(a) She was laughing.
(b) She was crying softly.
(c) She was screeching.
(d) She was on her knees, praying.

12. Mr. Rand believes that Chance has found the perfect metaphor for a productive businessman when Chance describes:
(a) A good television program.
(b) The Old Man's law firm.
(c) A productive garden.
(d) His financial approach.

13. Who was the only person allowed to enter Chance's room?
(a) The fat maid
(b) Chance's mother.
(c) Anyone could enter Chance's room.
(d) Louise.

14. What does the woman in the limousine understand Chance's name to be?
(a) Chauncey Gardiner.
(b) Lucky Chance.
(c) Basil Gardiner.
(d) Old Man Chauncey.

15. What happens to Chance soon after he begins walking around?
(a) A woman is running and causes Chance to fall.
(b) Someone throws something from a building that hits his head.
(c) Someone on a bicycle runs into him.
(d) He gets hit by a limousine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Chance believe he could do just by turning the TV dial?

2. Where is Louise originally from?

3. What surprised Chance about all of the papers spread out on the desk?

4. What does Chance do when Mr. Franklin gives him a piece of paper to read and sign?

5. What was the Old Man's former profession?

(see the answer keys)

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