Being There Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Being There Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Chance feel when he is in the garden?
(a) Bored.
(b) Nervous most of the time.
(c) Safe and secure.
(d) Tired because of all the weeding to be done.

2. What surprised Chance about all of the papers spread out on the desk?
(a) They were in neat piles of twenty.
(b) His name was not mentioned in any of them.
(c) There was red ink all over them.
(d) Some of them were ripped up.

3. Why couldn't Chance leave the Old Man's house or go beyond the garden gate?
(a) He couldn't walk very well.
(b) He had no money of his own.
(c) He did not speak English.
(d) He had some sort of brain damage.

4. What is Benjamin Rand's occupation?
(a) A speechwriter for the President of the United States.
(b) A partner in the prestigious law firm of Rand and Cooper.
(c) Chief Financial Officer of the National Reserve Bank.
(d) Chairman of the Board of the First Amercian Financial Corporation.

5. What does Mr. Franklin inform Chance will happen the next day by noon?
(a) He will be moved up to live in the Old Man's bedroom.
(b) The house willl be under construction for renovations.
(c) The doors to the house and gates to the garden will be locked.
(d) He will be served with a warrant for his arrest.

6. What medical condition did Chance's mother have?
(a) Epilepsy.
(b) Diabetes.
(c) High blood pressure.
(d) Brain damage.

7. According to Chance, what was one of the benefits of his position?
(a) He could eat as much food as he liked.
(b) He was given a generous health insurance policy.
(c) He was allowed to wear any of the Old Man's clothing from the attic.
(d) He was allowed to drive the Old Man's car.

8. Why did Chance think things would immediately change now that the Old Man was gone?
(a) A lawyer phoned him to tell him this.
(b) The maid told him so.
(c) He read it in a book.
(d) That was the way things worked on TV shows.

9. Who taught Chance how to tend the garden?
(a) A kind next door neighbor.
(b) A professional gardening company.
(c) The Old Man.
(d) A tall black man who once worked there.

10. Who was the only person allowed to enter Chance's room?
(a) The fat maid
(b) Chance's mother.
(c) Anyone could enter Chance's room.
(d) Louise.

11. What had Chance been paid for his gardening chores over the years?
(a) He received a new car every year.
(b) He was given a home near the Old Man's house.
(c) He was paid $200 per week.
(d) He was given meals, a room and a television.

12. Why did the Old Man retire from his former profession?
(a) He was hit by a car and could no longer work.
(b) He wanted to spend more time in his home.
(c) He developed a rare disease when he was 65 years old.
(d) He broke his hip at the age of 72.

13. In what way did people exist for Chance?
(a) When Chance turned his eyes on them, as on TV.
(b) When he ignored them.
(c) When people laughed at him.
(d) People did not exist for Chance.

14. What does Chance realize he cannot reveal while looking over the paper?
(a) That he is responsible for the Old Man's death.
(b) That he cannot read or write.
(c) That he already knows what is written there.
(d) That he will never leave the house.

15. What did Chance do upon entering the Old Man's bedroom and seeing him dead upon the bed?
(a) He fainted and fell to the floor.
(b) He began to cry.
(c) He went over to the maid and hugged her.
(d) He looked at the Old Man and stared into his face.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why didn't Chance like to take the elevator in the house?

2. What sound was the fat maid making as Chance entered the Old Man's bedroom?

3. What is Chance's reaction when Mr. Franklin asks him what his name is?

4. What are the last two things Chance looks at before leaving?

5. What does Chance insist he has done all of his life?

(see the answer keys)

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