Before We Were Free Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Before We Were Free Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is at the Italian Embassy when Anita and her mother arrive there?
(a) Papi.
(b) Sam.
(c) Mundo.
(d) No one they know.

2. What does Anita give Chucha?
(a) Some coins.
(b) Her stained sheets.
(c) Some pictures of Anita and Lucinda to keep for her.
(d) Flowers.

3. Where do the soldiers who come to the compound say they are taking the men they arrest?
(a) They refuse to say.
(b) To where they took El Jefe.
(c) To stand trial.
(d) To hand over to Trujillo, Jr.

4. What does Anita's father tell her he wants for his children?
(a) For them to become citizens of the United States.
(b) For them to live free.
(c) For them to feel hopeful about their future.
(d) For them to live without fear.

5. Who shoots the family dogs?
(a) Some soldiers who are target practicing.
(b) Some men who are celebrating.
(c) The secret police.
(d) A neighbor.

6. Why does Anita want to skip school the morning Lucinda is to leave?
(a) Anita is afraid of El Jefe.
(b) Oscar is not going to school that day and he's her protector.
(c) Anita wants to be with Lucinda until she leaves.
(d) Sam is not going to school that day and he's her protector.

7. Why are so many people arrested?
(a) They are trying to send a message.
(b) El Jefe's son wants to punish anyone remotely associated with the assassination.
(c) They are using El Jefe's death to get rid of the opposition.
(d) They do not know who killed El Jefe.

8. What are Oscar and Sam doing?
(a) Playing chess.
(b) Throwing up..
(c) Playing ball.
(d) Wrestling.

9. Who is/are arrested?
(a) Papi, Tio Tony and Mundin.
(b) No one.
(c) Papi and Tio Tony.
(d) Just Tio Tony.

10. Who rescues Anita and her mami?
(a) The Italian government.
(b) The British intelligence.
(c) Paratroopers in a helicopter.
(d) Some local militia.

11. Where is Anita a month and a half after the message from Chucha arrives?
(a) In Santo Domingo.
(b) In Miami.
(c) In London.
(d) In New York City.

12. What does Anita do after talking with Tio Pepe?
(a) Starts drawing.
(b) Comes up with a schedule.
(c) Writes her papi.
(d) Writes down everything she remembers about the weeks before Papi is arrested.

13. What does Anita's mother do after talking to Mr. Washburn?
(a) Tries to decide about returning to her home.
(b) Welcomes Mr. Washburn's girls to stay when they want.
(c) Writes to her parents.
(d) Enrolls her children in Catholic school.

14. What does someone in a limousine bring?
(a) A summons.
(b) An invitation.
(c) Flowers.
(d) A gift-wrapped package.

15. What does the teacher tell the students at school?
(a) That the students must wear badges with El Jefe's picture on them.
(b) That the school will not be closing as the rumors suggest.
(c) That El Jefe is visiting that day.
(d) That the school is closing down temporarily.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what format does Anita write some of her journal entries?

2. What does Anita want in the event she is taken away?

3. What has Mrs. Mancini done to her master bedroom?

4. Where are Mami and Anita living according to Anita's June 5, 1961entry?

5. What does Lucinda allow Anita to do that night?

(see the answer keys)

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