Before I Fall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lauren Oliver
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Before I Fall Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lauren Oliver
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color sweatshirt does Izzy step on when she comes into Sam's room on Day 2?
(a) Rose.
(b) Purple.
(c) Lavender.
(d) Pink.

2. What charm does Sam always wear on a necklace?
(a) Bow.
(b) Key.
(c) Bird.
(d) Shoe.

3. How old is Sam's sister, Izzy on Day 1?
(a) 9.
(b) 8.
(c) 7.
(d) 10.

4. What year is Sam's mother's car?
(a) 2000.
(b) 2007.
(c) 2001.
(d) 2003.

5. On Day 3, where does Kent say that he used to live?
(a) Westview Court.
(b) Rider Way.
(c) Mountain View Drive.
(d) Terrace Place.

6. What color are Kent's eyes?
(a) Hazel.
(b) Blue.
(c) Green.
(d) Brown.

7. How far is Sam's high school from downtown?
(a) About 2 miles.
(b) 1/4 mile.
(c) About 3 miles.
(d) 1/2 mile.

8. On Day 3, what does Sam notice that Kent used to draw the picture that he sent with a Velogram?
(a) Pastels.
(b) Pencil.
(c) Black ink.
(d) Charcoal.

9. On Day 2, at 11 p.m., how many people are waiting in line for both bathrooms?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 6.
(d) 5.

10. On Day 3, what class does Sam have eighth period?
(a) Spanish.
(b) Math.
(c) History.
(d) Chemistry.

11. What does Izzy hand Sam on Day 1?
(a) Mittens.
(b) Scarf.
(c) Gloves.
(d) Hat.

12. On Day 3, what do Lindsay and Elody deck themselves out in at Ally's?
(a) Raincoats.
(b) Ski goggles and fleece hats.
(c) Ski masks and gloves.
(d) Mittens and boots.

13. Where did Sam and Rob Cokran first hook up?
(a) Harvest Dance.
(b) Winter Twirl.
(c) Spring Fling.
(d) Homecoming.

14. On Day 3, what time does the phone ring at Ally's?
(a) 2:14.
(b) 3:09.
(c) 12:59.
(d) 1:52.

15. On Day 1, what type of footwear does Sam say that Elody sometimes wears to school?
(a) 4-inch heels.
(b) Fuzzy yellow slippers.
(c) Moccasins.
(d) Flip flops.

Short Answer Questions

1. Since Sam drew a line in her bedroom to keep her mother out, how many times has her mother crossed the line?

2. Where does Lindsay's stepbrother go to college?

3. What is the name of Lindsay's teacher in fifth grade?

4. On Day 1, what time does Lindsay pick up Sam?

5. What year did Sam draw a line just inside her bedroom and tell her mom not to cross it?

(see the answer keys)

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