Beauty's Release Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Beauty's Release Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Laurent: Judgment of the Queen.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the queen Beauty served?
(a) Belinda.
(b) Amanda.
(c) Freya.
(d) Eleanor.

2. Where do the lords carry Beauty when they find her?
(a) To Inanna's bedchamber.
(b) To a ship.
(c) To a dungeon.
(d) To the sultan's chamber.

3. From what point of view is Beauty's story told?
(a) Limited third person.
(b) Omniscient third person.
(c) First person.
(d) Second person.

4. What does Beauty question about the women in the harem?
(a) If they are really married to the sultan.
(b) If they have ever seen genitals.
(c) If they are actually happy.
(d) If they actually like her or not.

5. What does Beauty notice about herself and the other slaves?
(a) The men are not as attracted to the master as the women.
(b) They are not as attracted to the master as she is attracted to him.
(c) They are not even paying attention to the master.
(d) They are unusually enrapt in the master's speech.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Laurent feel when he sees what his punishment is going to be?

2. What does Beauty realize, in horror, that human are used as for the sultan?

3. When the master addresses the slaves, why are they shocked?

4. What word do the characters use to describe their genitals?

5. Which three characters are foreshadowed to have a strange relationship?

(see the answer key)

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