Bearing the Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bearing the Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was to lead the march in Selma?
(a) Rustin.
(b) Wallace.
(c) King.
(d) Malcolm X.

2. King learned that the Johnson Administration was taking money from social programs for what?
(a) The war in Vietnam.
(b) Financing a bank bailout.
(c) Aid to Africa.
(d) Adding more police officers.

3. Why was there an uproar in the Chicago press about King?
(a) He attended a communist meeting.
(b) The SCLC seized a building.
(c) A SNCC demonstration shut down the downtown area.
(d) His affairs were revealed.

4. What illnesses did King suffer from in the summer of 1965?
(a) Exhaustion and bronchitis.
(b) Exhaustion and strep throat.
(c) Exhaustion and influenza.
(d) Exhaustion and kidney stones.

5. What compromise in Selma was King criticized for?
(a) Not attending the march to the bridge.
(b) Going on to Edmund Pettus Bridge.
(c) Stopping the march until a settlement could be reached.
(d) Turning around and returning to Brown Chapel.

6. At the SCLC convention, King suggested which city as the next one for protests?
(a) Savannah.
(b) Danville.
(c) Biloxi.
(d) New Orleans.

7. What tragedy happened before the march to Montgomery?
(a) A volunteer was killed by KKK members.
(b) The King house was bombed.
(c) Congress voted down the Civil Rights Act.
(d) Abernathy was stabbed by a white woman.

8. Who used the term "black power" for the first time in a public form?
(a) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(b) Malcolm X.
(c) Ralph Abernathy.
(d) Stokley Carmichael.

9. How many girls were killed in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing?
(a) 13.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 10.

10. Who released a statement supporting the SCLC's work in Selma?
(a) Richard Nixon.
(b) President Johnson.
(c) Nelson Mandela.
(d) John F. Kennedy.

11. As King went to register at a local hotel, who attacked him?
(a) The hotel owner.
(b) An old white woman.
(c) A KKK member.
(d) A Nazi.

12. King's advisers were concerned when King decided to do what?
(a) Go public with his affairs.
(b) Stage a hunger strike in jail.
(c) Join an anti-war group's protest.
(d) Move to Africa.

13. What caused King to fall into a depression?
(a) Kennedy's assassination.
(b) The lack of progress in Albany.
(c) Evers' assassination.
(d) The violence in Birmingham.

14. Where was some of the worst police violence seen through 1964?
(a) Danville.
(b) Birmingham.
(c) Montgomery.
(d) Summertree.

15. In October, the federal Office of Education stopped funding to which city's schools because of segregation?
(a) Dallas.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Memphis.
(d) Atlanta.

Short Answer Questions

1. The grand jury in St. Augustine said they would agree to form a biracial committee after the Civil Rights activists did what?

2. Where did the Meredith March end?

3. CCCO staged a march that ended in how many arrests?

4. Which city did King want to focus attention on in the North?

5. James Meredith announced his intention to walk from where to where?

(see the answer keys)

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