The Basketball Diaries Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Basketball Diaries Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jim say will go up in smoke every time a page in his future book gets turned?
(a) Police stations.
(b) English classes.
(c) Libraries.
(d) The Pentagon.

2. What does each person Jim meets at Blimpie's sandwich shop ask him?
(a) Who his favorite writer is.
(b) What he is eating.
(c) What he does.
(d) How old he is.

3. What is Ju-Ju Johnson's forte, according to Jim?
(a) Meeting girls.
(b) Making up stories.
(c) Stealing cars.
(d) Fake ID.

4. How long has Jim been holed up at Headquarters at the end of Summer 66?
(a) A few hours.
(b) Four days.
(c) A week.
(d) A month.

5. What does Jim say has the same smell as dope cooking?
(a) Church incense.
(b) Popcorn.
(c) Old newspapers.
(d) Cigars.

6. Why does Jim visit his girlfriend, Hedi, every Friday?
(a) Her parents are not home.
(b) Their favorite TV show comes on every Friday.
(c) She is in the hospital.
(d) Her family has parties on Fridays.

7. Who does Jim attend a going away party for at a bar?
(a) Gums.
(b) Blueboy.
(c) Fat Eddie.
(d) Audie Murphy.

8. What do Jim and Mancole realize the man in Chinatown is selling?
(a) Opium.
(b) Watches.
(c) Fireworks.
(d) Donuts.

9. Who does Jim get stuck with as a roommate during the National High School All-Star Basketball trip?
(a) Benny Greenbaum.
(b) Bax Porter.
(c) Allen Ginsberg.
(d) Bobby Bellum.

10. Why does Jim proclaim the end of an LSD era?
(a) He gets arrested.
(b) He ends up at Bellevue.
(c) He has a bad trip.
(d) His is going to rehab.

11. As he nears his 15th birthday, why does Jim start feeling that he should quit drugs?
(a) He is hoping to get a basketball scholarship.
(b) He wants to please his parents.
(c) School is starting soon.
(d) He can no longer afford a habit.

12. What does Jim do on the train to Rye to calm his paranoia?
(a) Pretend to read.
(b) Eat a sandwich.
(c) Write in his diary.
(d) Sleep.

13. What is Jim looking for when he opens a door to find a young German couple on the floor?
(a) His friends.
(b) The roof.
(c) A bathroom.
(d) A flashlight.

14. What does Jim tell the police officer he is doing, when he is spotted in his school blazer during the day?
(a) He was on a field trip but lost his class.
(b) Looking for a job.
(c) Minding his own business.
(d) Social work project.

15. What does Jim threaten to do if the person he robs yells for the cops?
(a) Slit his throat.
(b) Shoot him.
(c) Run.
(d) Punch him in the gut.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jim think about more than Karl Marx?

2. What does Bobby Blake decide to eat at Gussie's Soda Fountain?

3. What does everyone at headquarters chip in to buy after Willie Bender's death?

4. Why does Jim say his hair is long?

5. What does Jim call himself, in reference to his feelings for older ladies?

(see the answer keys)

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