Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy... Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy... Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What Normandy and Holland veteran broke under the pressure of seeing two of his closest friends seriously injured by heavy artillery at Bastogne in Chapter Twelve, "The Breaking Point: Bastogne: January 1-13, 1945"?
(a) Lieutenant Thomas A. Peacock.
(b) Lieutenant Buck Compton.
(c) Lieutenant Robert Rousch.
(d) Lieutenant Ronald C. Speirs.

2. Who, when confronted with a written request from German General Luttwitz for surrender of Bastogne, replied "NUTS!"?
(a) General McAuliffe.
(b) General Taylor.
(c) General Jackson.
(d) General Patton.

3. Easy Company liberated the people of what in Chapter Sixteen, "Getting to Know the Enemy: Germany: April 2-30, 1945"?
(a) A Displaced Persons' camp.
(b) The British Army.
(c) The German Army.
(d) A prison.

4. Who attempted to keep the men's spirits high although morale was low due to the dreadful conditions in Chapter Eleven, "They Got Us Surrounded - The Poor Bastards: Bastogne: December 19-31, 1944"?
(a) Lieutenant Strayer.
(b) Colonel Sink.
(c) General McAuliffe.
(d) General Taylor.

5. What was the name of Hitler's mountain retreat?
(a) Eagle's Nest.
(b) The Wolf's Den.
(c) Mount Adolph.
(d) The Monkey Tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. The military set up a ring of defense around the city of Bastogne and Easy Company's position was in a woody area across from what?

2. What soldier from Easy Company was lost in Chapter Fourteen, "The Patrol: Haguenau: January 18-February 23, 1945" from a grenade fragment in his skull?

3. What was forbidden while the men were in battle in Chapter Eleven, "They Got Us Surrounded - The Poor Bastards: Bastogne: December 19-31, 1944"?

4. Who was the friend and alcohol connoisseur who shared in the findings of Hitler's liquor and wine cellar in Chapter Seventeen, "Drinking Hitler's Champagne: Berchtesgaden: May 1-8, 1945"?

5. The Siege of Bastogne lasted from December 20 to when?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did the men of Easy Company do in their leisure time in Chapter Sixteen, "Getting to Know the Enemy: Germany: April 2-30, 1945"? What did they discover in this chapter?

2. What did the Easy Company men find in Austria in Chapter Eighteen, "The Soldier's Dream Life: Austria: May 8-July 31, 1945"?

3. Who participated in the attack at Noville? Where was Easy Company ordered next?

4. What changes were taking place amongst Easy Company in Chapter Ten, "Resting, Recovering, and Refitting: Mourmelon-le-Grand: November 26-December 18, 1944"? How was morale?

5. What was the experience like for the men while staying in Berchtesgaden? What did they find in the rural people?

6. After the success at Bastogne, where was Easy Company ordered in Chapter Eleven, "They Got Us Surrounded - The Poor Bastards: Bastogne: December 19-31, 1944"?

7. What was the defense of Hagenau like in Chapter Fourteen, "The Patrol: Haguenau: January 18-February 23, 1945"?

8. Describe the conditions of the men fighting in Bastogne in Chapter Eleven, "They Got Us Surrounded - The Poor Bastards: Bastogne: December 19-31, 1944." How were the injured treated?

9. Where was Easy Company ordered in mid-December, 1944? What did they find there?

10. What did the men do at Camp Mourmelon in Chapter Ten, "Resting, Recovering, and Refitting: Mourmelon-le-Grand: November 26-December 18, 1944"?

(see the answer keys)

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