Avalon High Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon High Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ellie learn about Will's name?
(a) It is spelled in the old English way.
(b) The name has been in every generation.
(c) It is not his birth name.
(d) The "A" in his name stands for "Arthur."

2. What does Ellie suggest Will do to communicate his desires to his father?
(a) Show his father some of his photographs.
(b) Show his father why Will is interested in past civilizations.
(c) Ask his stepmom for support and to talk with his father.
(d) Write a letter to his father.

3. Why does Ellie spend the rest of first period in the bathroom?
(a) To stop crying.
(b) To avoid hall monitors.
(c) To talk on the phone with her mother.
(d) To talk to Jennifer privately.

4. What does Ellie tell Mr. Morton she is unwilling to do?
(a) Let some obscure legend contol her fate.
(b) Believe the worse of Lance and Jennifer.
(c) Believe Marco cannot change.
(d) Give up on Will.

5. What does Mr. Morton think is going to happen to Will?
(a) He will fade into obscurity
(b) He will become a corrupt politician.
(c) He will never live up to his potential.
(d) He will die.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ellie say when Will asks her about her knowledge of Jennifer and Lance?

2. What does Ellie tell Mr. Morton she thinks he is?

3. What does Mrs. Wagner want when she calls?

4. What does Marco do when they spot some poor kids in a battered boat?

5. What does Ellie encounter when she arrives at Mr. Morton's apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ellie realize about the story about Arthur's birth and the gossip about Will's family?

2. What does Ellie say about Mr. Morton's abandoning his job and about the order?

3. What does Jennifer say about Ellie and Will?

4. Why is Mr. Morton annoyed with Lance on Monday morning? How does Jennifer defend Lance to Mr. Morton?

5. What happens in the aftermath of the revelation about Lance and Jennifer's relationship?

6. What does Ellie suggest Will do concerning his father pressuring him about the naval academy?

7. What question does Marco scream at his mother? What does he do after she replies?

8. What do Will and Ellie say to each other about Lance and Jennifer?

9. How does Ellie feel about what Mr. Morton is doing and what he told her?

10. What does Mrs. Wagner say when she calls Ellie that gets Ellie worried?

(see the answer keys)

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