Avalon High Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon High Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Marco seem to feel about Will?
(a) Marco seems to adore Will.
(b) Marco seems to resent Will.
(c) Marco seems indifferent to Will.
(d) Marco looks up to Will.

2. What does Marco say about his life before his mother married Will's father?
(a) They were very poor.
(b) They rarely talked.
(c) They were closer.
(d) They were wealthy.

3. Why does Mr. Morton say he was teaching at the school?
(a) He was assigned to watch Will.
(b) He was assigned to protect Ellie.
(c) He was assigned to watch Lance.
(d) He was assigned to protect Jennifer.

4. To what does Mr. Morton think Will is now vulnerable?
(a) Ignoring his destiny.
(b) Becoming evil.
(c) Committing suicide.
(d) Being depressed.

5. What does Jennifer say Will has expressed a desire to do lately?
(a) Go to Annapolis Naval Academy.
(b) Quit the football team.
(c) Leave home.
(d) Finish high school in Vermont.

6. Why did Marco once attack Mr. Morton?
(a) Mr. Morton tried to get Marco to see the light.
(b) Mr. Morton insults Marco's mother.
(c) Mr. Morton insults Marco's father.
(d) Mr. Morton said something bad about Will.

7. How is Will's dog similar to King Arthur's dog?
(a) King Arthur's dog was named Cavell and Will's dog is Cavalier.
(b) Both dogs are named after the men's grandfathers.
(c) There is not discernible relation.
(d) Both are the same breed.

8. How does Mr. Morton respond to what Ellie tells him?
(a) He says he will talk to them all.
(b) He looks as though he is going to have a heart attack.
(c) He is jovial.
(d) He calls Lance a rat.

9. Who is Prydwyn?
(a) King Arthur's adviser.
(b) King Arthur's sister.
(c) King Arthur's ship.
(d) King Arthur's favorite hound.

10. What does Ellie pick up to take with her to the ravine?
(a) A flashlight.
(b) A sword.
(c) A first aid kit.
(d) A hammer.

11. What does Ellie suggest Will do to communicate his desires to his father?
(a) Show his father some of his photographs.
(b) Write a letter to his father.
(c) Show his father why Will is interested in past civilizations.
(d) Ask his stepmom for support and to talk with his father.

12. What does Ellie think as she watches Jennifer re-apply Jennifer's make-up?
(a) Jennifer is selfish.
(b) Jennifer never really loved Will.
(c) Jennifer seems to want the best for all people involved.
(d) How beautiful Jennifer is.

13. What does Lance ask Ellie to do that evening?
(a) Call Lance.
(b) Go to dinner.
(c) Go sailing.
(d) Call Jennifer.

14. What does Marco do when they spot some poor kids in a battered boat?
(a) Turns the sailboat towards their boat.
(b) Yells at them to get their junk off the water.
(c) Waves at them and jokes about racing.
(d) Ignores them.

15. What happens when Lance tries to engage Marco in a fight?
(a) Will holds Lance back.
(b) Marco punches Lance and throws him over the side.
(c) Lance pushes Marco over the side.
(d) Jennifer holds Lance back.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ellie intuitively know about Mr. Morton?

2. Why does Will not want to go to the naval academy?

3. What does Marco ask Ellie?

4. What amazes Will about Jennifer's family?

5. What does Marco call Lance?

(see the answer keys)

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