As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Hard

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

As a Driven Leaf Test | Final Test - Hard

Milton Steinberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Charicles first feel about Elisha?

2. How does Elisha try to deceive Rufus?

3. Whose voice does Elisha recognize discussing cases in Jewish Law?

4. What does Elisha ask of Rufus in return for his cooperation?

5. Where do Elisha and Pappas go to meet with Rufus?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Elisha go during the blizzard, and why?

2. Describe the symbolism behind Rufus making Elisha sit beside a harlot during the executions.

3. Rufus presents a life or death question to Pappas and Elisha. How does Elisha respond?

4. Why does Demonax refuse to take on Elisha as a student, and what consolation does he offer to Elisha?

5. Elisha's life was controversial and devastating as he searched for truth. Was Elisha's search for truth in vain?

6. How did Meir honor Elisha after Elisha died?

7. Why do the rabbis have to meet in secret in the attic?

8. Why is Elisha not happy about his relationship with Manto?

9. What does Elisha tell Meir about faith and reason?

10. Why does Charicles say that mathematics and science could also be myths?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Elisha quickly learns that with knowledge comes sadness. What other consequences, good or bad, can there be to learning and studying? Provide three examples for both the positive and negative sides.

Essay Topic 2

During Elisha's circumcision, Abuyah, Elisha's father, acts rudely toward the Jewish faith and custom. The congregation is incensed and two rabbis discuss whether or not Elisha will be affected by his father's actions. Does every soul create its own destiny like Rabbi Joshua believes? Or, is the other Rabbi who says Abuyah's actions will have an effect on Elisha, closer to the truth? What about the conclusion of the novel? Does Elisha's life seem to have been affected by his father's beliefs?

Essay Topic 3

The Jews as a community are facing persecution by the Romans but also must deal with divisions within their own community. Is it important for the Jewish members to speak and act as one, or should multiple voices and opinions be heard? Should the Sanhedrin operate by unanimous decision or by majority rule? Can every voice be heard equally?

(see the answer keys)

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